Dusty Bear in the Hospital
Well my day started at 5:00 am with Cathy excitedly asking me to go out and check out our dog, Dusty Bear. She was taking him outside to potty when he yelped and became extremely sick and lethargic. So we took him to a 24 hour animal hospital for medical help. After about an hour, he began being alert however they are keeping him for observation. The Vet thinks he might of had a seizure however only time will tell if he has another one. Sas thinks he was stung or bitten by something.
I am just glad that he seems to be getting better because there for a bit it didn't look good at all. For the record, these 24 hour operations charge a pretty penny for their services.
Take Care,
Ron & Cathy
Hi Ron.. I hope she gets better soon and you find out what it was that happened. Poor puppy.
My dog, Paige, has seizures frequently and there is no doubt that is what is happening. She cant walk (but still tries), shakes uncontrolably... and it lasts for anwhere between 3-5 minutes. Some are a lot longer and we have been told if they last longer than 10-15 minutes, she would need emergency care... (nice to know when we live over 30 minutes from the closest emergency vet).
Take care,
I hope he gets better soon and there are no long term problems. I will keep him in my thoughts.
Just a word of advice...hang on to the attitude that only time will tell no matter what the vet predicts for the long term. One of my brother's Yorkie was attacked by a German Shepherd and it damaged his kidneys...the vet told us it wouldn't heal and that he had six months at best and would be on steroids and Diuretics until he died...well that was over two years ago and he is doing great and hasn't been on meds since about three months after the attack. This is not the only one of our babies we have had a health scare with...what I have learned...sometimes they just don't listen to what the vet says they are supposed to do.