i stuck to it basically.. lost some weight.. felt good for doing it.. WILL POWER
but today could have grazed like right before the diet.. I ate many grapes today and roasted nuts.. I guess if I would stick to just boiled chicken for the rest of my life then yes.. I'm proud to say I can feel it in my pouch.. but other food.. not so much.. sometimes I eat and stop just cuz I know I should have had enough.. but long for more.. and other times I eat.. (usually at a buffet) and get stuff after a couple bites... it doesn't make sense..
since the diet the only really bad thing I've had was sunday.. I ate a small icecream cone.. other than that.. just your okay foods but not the best like grapes.. pb.. peanuts.. a little bit of rice with a meal.. a few potatoes in the pea soup..
what does all this mean Kellee.. tell me oh wise one.. I fear that these few pounds I lost while dieting last week will come right back on just like pre-wls.. I thought yo-yo diets were not good for us.. yet I find myself yo-yoing..