Little League World Series................
Any one watch this past week.......? Today my son went to watch the final game between Japan and Georgia.........Hes on his way home now and i am the nervous mom he just called and told me how bad the traffic was............
I just find it amazing to watch these young 11 and 12 year old boys play baseball...Little league has been a big part of my sons life for many years......sorry for the ramble....just doing a bit a reflecting while pacing the all enjoyed the week end and are ready for Monday ..........
Hi Rhonda...........yep he made it home safe and sound ...about 11:15 pm last night....Had a great time and bought me a world series mug and a shirt and hat for him self...He says he may have a chance to umpire next year..He was able to get on the roster. If that does not work out he says he will be able to get in the dug out...a dream come true for him...However he did not make his curfew last night for High School football as he needed to be in by 10 pm...He will have to run sprints today.......... but he says it was worth it...and what the heck the high school Varsity football coach is also the high school baseball coach soooooooo maybe he will give him a break....
...........And the smakin the butt thing is a strange concept.........Its ok while on the "playing field"........but hey don't do it some where else the mall ?
Hey Darlene,
I sure know how you feel... our 16 year was at Ozzfest all day yesterday with his best friend and two girls. I texted with him throughout the day but when it was getting close to his curfew and he wasn't home I was stressing. Seems there was an accident on the road to exit the theater so the road got closed causing traffic to back up. He didn't get home until 12:30 and then he was tired and grouchy.
How is your nephew doing that had the climbing accident?
Hey Mel...........Ohhh my son would of enjoyed the Ozz fest as well......especially with 2 girls...
Seems its just part of parenting to worry. My son never made his football curfew last night so hes gotta run this morning and is not happy about it ...but taking it in stride...Funny thing he was even talking about missing pracitce on Thursday ( his birthday 16 th ) to go to the state fair...with games this week end it looks like its the only day to go...However if he misses a practice....
it won't be good thing...Guess that will be a decision he can make...
thanks for asking about my nephew he is doing much better and out of ICU...seems to be on the mend...thanks for all the payers..............and you know i have you and Jay in my thoughts as your big day is approaching....