Don't know which is worse...
Going on date after date after date....and being bored and knowing there's nothing to get excited about. OR Going on a date and FINALLY feeling like there's someone who is interesting and I feel that umm chemistry with....and then being all nervous that he's some kind of weirdo, commitment phobe. I hate being such a "thinker." Dumb people so have it made.
And good morning to all you peeps.

You are far from being dumb my friend.
That's the problem...they haven't gotten past the first date. Most of the time that is my fault, I don't feel any "chemistry" and I don't want to wast anybody else's time or my own.
Last night I went out with someone, and for the first time in a very, very, long time I was attracted to him, not only physically (although he was cute), but he was interesting but admitted to being a commitment phobe. And since I have a fear of abandonment I figure we're perfect for each other.
I'm such a dufus.
How are you this morning Ms Rhonda?

I'm good Linda.. I wish my crappy house was cleaned better.. but I sit here instead of cleaning it.. actually I was de-cluttering it last weekend.. and now I have some said clutter in my livingroom floor. I want to haul it to my mom's for a yard sale later.. but now too lazy to pack some of it in my vehicle and haul there.
it'll get done tho.. and *to continue my *****in*.. *deep breath in* My carpets are ****ty looking.. I'm hating them.. I want them cleaned.. but I need to haul all this crap outta here.. and then I will hire a service to *** clean them.. but meanwhile everytime I look at 'em I get pissy.
I wish I had hardwood floors..
other than THAT .. I'm good..
thanks for asking..
it sounds like you and he will be perfect together.. since opposites attrack
.. Now.. as for the other dates.. I would recommend giving them more than just one date.. unless they really give you the creeps. To be honest.. I'm not certain that if Dan lived here.. and I just had met him in say a bar.. if I would have gone out with him. On first appearances.. he wasn't what I was always "attracted too". I *like Kellee* always was attracted to the dark featured man.. but as we know.. from posting on the board.. you get to know a persons heart and soul more than appearances.. so now I think he's the cat's meow
And I know you are not going to get to know a man's heart and soul.. just from one date. So give someone more of a chance if you're just not sure
I think that finding a SO is a process.. long slow process.. most don't happen just in one night. One nite stands happen in just one night.. not finding a SO

I know what you mean about the house stuff Rhonda. My living room was empty for about a year and a half because I let my ex take it and was going to get everything painted, take up the carpet, get new furniture, etc. Then, my ex and I started seeing each other and then he just totally dropped out of sight without any word of explanation and then my parents died literally one right after the other and I just didn't give a flip about doing anything to the house.
So, I finally got my living room painted and bought a new sofa and chair, took up the carpet, but it still needs some finishing touches. My house has hardwood floors throughout, even in the bathroom and kitchen, but it's covered with this yucky laminate tile (I don't know what they were thinking). But I'd like to have the hardwood sanded throughout, and I HAVE to have the kitchen and bathroom redone. Having a house is such a pain in the arse.
Are you and Dan doing something fun today?
I'm already doing something fun.. chatting online here
.. and as I told Sparky.. Dan's messing with his vehicle temporarily.. so not sure.. I think I'm gonna go strip my bed and change the sheets and throw them in the laundry.. and unlead the dishwasher.. and go from there. Nothing planned.. Dan will be hitting an AA sometime today.. I may go with. And see from there...
tomorrow nothing planned either.. altho a coworker/friend did invite us to Ft Ancient Park for a party... it's her daughter's 21st b-day. She and her husband just got in from California.. where he's stationed. He's in the Marines
good man. If not too hott.. and Dan wants we can always drive over and visit for awhile.
what you gonna do today

I have to replace the Heater Core in my new car.
Here in a few minutes I have to SSH (**** shower and shave) to go to the Convention Center here and sign up the Veterans for Health-e-vet program online. I think it's gonna be a blast. Some of these old gays can really be a hoot!
Then after that I have a couple people comin over to look at my Van. I honestly don't care if I sell it or not. It is probably one of the best running vehicles I have ever owned. I'll just save up the money to get the Explorer painted.
Other than that, that is all I have planned for the weekend. I'm thinkin of jumpin "you know who's" bones here in a few.
I'll send pics!
Love ya fuzzy butt! Spark

Nuttin honey...
I have no plans. The dogs and cats would probably like it if I went to WalMart and bought them some food. My Bubba cat get nervous when the food gets low....not out mind you just low. He cracks me up.
Sparky is right, that housework stuff will be there. I usually have to have at least one day to lay on my aise. And since it's just me and the critters, and they don't wear clothes, I don't have much in the way of laundry.
Whatever you do hope you have a good day.