4 Down 1 to Go !!!
Well how's everyone doing? Or is it just Rhonda Daniel and I that are still doing this thing.
I'm telling you this really works. I am hungry though but I have always been hungry even right after surgery.
The main thing is I'm not drinking with my meals. What a difference.
Well I'm off to bed so everyone have a great day and I'll talk with ya later.
Hey Lori,
I'm still with you guys. This is making me really listen to my body. I've always been a habit eater, and I after being soooo hungry during the liquid protein stage, I'm finding that for the most part, I'm not hungry.
But my water intake is slacked off when I started eating again. I had this problem after surgery, too. I get too worried about drinking before and after eating, that I don't drink at all. So, I'm really going to work on this today
Hope everyone has a great day!!

Hi Lori,
This has been quite a challenge, but I'm glad I did it. I did realize a couple of things. First my pouch definately works. I was only able to eat about 1.5 ounces of ground beef and i was stuffed. Eating in 15 minutes is difficult. I kept burping. How attractive! I can definately feel the tightening of the pouch.
I'm down 4 pounds. I just cooked beef tips for breakfast. I think this was a great learning experience. I've always measured my foods and counted protein. I do avoid sugar, but man those crackers and pretzels always seem to sneak in. I now realize that i have been eating too fast and I think that's why i get the cravings.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Best wishes,
doing pretty good.. I made Dan and I cheeseburgers last nite.. I hate one.. and thought I wanted another.. but didnt'
I think I could of ate some more.. and that scares me a little.. but I did eat a few grapes and handful of peanuts.
Today Dan put a bunch of chicken thighs in the slow cooker for me.. plan on eating some on them tonight/this weekend.. and brought to work another hamburger.. altho I leave around 1 today
I'm glad I did this.. it's helped me to stop the mad grazing I was doing. Not that it won't sneak up on me again.. but I know I have the will power to STOP before the weight gets too high. Plus I look at the calories.. protein.. and carb intake.. I did this while shopping before.. but it helps here at work not to just pop something in my mouth.. and to get the carbs out of my system. Altho.. I haven't noticed being in ketosis.. at least not the funky bad breath.. that you get when being in it. How long does it take to get there.. ANY ONE KNOW
and is anyone else there yet..??
altho.. hard to tell ketosis tho when I have nasty egg and coffee breathe
Kim wouldn't smell it for me...

here hun.. altho I thought you were a skinnie-minnie now anyways.. whatch'a doing going on it..
and here is the SPECIFIC 5 DAY TEST DIET...

Hi Lori. I made it. although I wasnt as good the last 2 days as I was the first 3. I stressed ate a half a bag of 99 cent doritoes thursday. and then, for some reason happily ate the other half on the way home from work yesterday. and other than some jerky and 3 icees from the freezer, I did pretty good. I even surprised myself yesterday by taking a salad to work instead of leftover hamburgers. and a chopped up fruit and made a fruit mix and brought that. Two color grapes, cantalope,plum. MMMmm. I dont know if it was on our diet order but it was good. I started out on Monday morning at 235 and weighed in this morning at 226. ( lbs in 5 days, not bad. I'm proud of me. I had a very stressfull week and the heat was killer. 100's the last 3 days. High humidity. I had to fight every urge not to stress eat myself into a coma.
Glad you made it lori and had some success. Rhonda made it and did well too, But I'll let her tell her own tale of hunger and deprivation. I'm proud of her too tho.