Bird - Dog
Well Cathy and I have added a couple of new members to the Brister Family tree so to speak. One you could call a rescue dog as we took her in when we heard she was chained up in someone's backyard and a can of dog food a day as her bright daily moment. We think she is a mix between a Labrador and a Chow. She is sweet and heaven knows we didn't need another dog with 3 already. However Sas and I have a soft spot for animals and we just couldn't accept the situation at hand and especially since my youngest son is the one that brought Sophie (yes that is what we call her) to our attention. See Link
Now to the bird. I have always wanted a Blue and Gold Macaw. These have been domestically bread in the states now for over 30 years, not wild caught. Well the other day when Sas and I were eating at our favorite pizza place she decided to go to Marshall's to browse. So I took the opportunity to go down the way and look at the birds and they had a baby girl Blue and Gold Macaw. Cathy said I could get it so now we have a beautiful gorgeous bird in the family. It will stay at the Bird Shop for another 3 to 4 months as it is still being hand fed and we don't want to bring it home until it is weaned. However we have gone in each of the past 4 days to spend time with Maya (yes that is what we call her) to aid the bonding process.
Cathy said we can't have kids now because our pet bill is running us high. Not
Ron & Cathy

Yes, all the teflon pans will be going out the door. We are fortunate that we have a great person in Debbie that we are getting the B&G from and she has 3 months to teach us the in(s) and out(s) of being bird parents. I figured since you go to Costa Rica that you might know a thing or two about Macaws and about the rain forest.
I am high as a kite right now. Ate some chocolate covered expresso beans from Starbucks and it isn't right what they do to ya.
Sas told me that you might be suffering from that right? Not good timing if the case.
We are going to St. Louis tomorrow night for a 3 day family weekend. Although I am in the middle of an ugly proposal that may make Friday a workday for me.
Sas just received directions today on her next and last clinicals in pursuit of her Occupational Therapist licensure. It looks like it will be Southwest Health located 8 miles form home. For me, I start the next semester at UTA this Monday when we get back from St. Louis.
On a last note and a big note to boot, Cathy and I have known for a while that we will be undergoing invitro fertilization to accomplish pregnancy. We are so blessed to have one of the best fertilization clinics in the world literally about 3 miles from us. We both have undergone initial testing testing and we know that we are fully capable of conception, just not the normal route. It will cost between $6,000.00 and $8,000.00 to go through the process and we are blessed to have the funds, although not without some sacrifice on our parts to accomplish getting Cathy pregnant. Typically, two embryos or 2 babies are implanted. Our total focus is on having 2 healthy babies, not breaking records.
A lot more information on the Bristers in this post than most want to have I am sure.
On a personal note, as with most red blooded American Males, it has been hard for me to accept that I am not capable of conceiving in the normal way. It is my age at 47 that has negatively impacted my potency. I do want so much to have children with Cathy and her with me. I am so greatful that in this time there is medical technology that will enable us to achieve conception in ways that not that long ago would have been possible.
Sorry for the packed reply,