my doctor just called and told me i tested positive for a primary infection of EBV (mono). I've had mono before so i'm confused. If i understood him correctly the test results show this is a primary infection not a reactivation. i'll find out more on monday when i see my PCHP or on wed when i see my bariatric surgeon (the one who called). CRAZY. but at least it explains why i've been so tired and exhausted. Remember i had thought it was nutritional? yikes.
my dad said, "maybe you better not kiss Melanie at the wedding." I was like "you're joking right?" and he was serious. He thinks we don't kiss now. CRAZY. i guess this explains why i never saw him kiss my mom.
I hope you get it all taken care of Jay.. especially so you are not so tired the night of the wedding
I guess POP doesn't want you consumating that either
I got a call from doctor too. and he said all my blood came back GOOD.. except my good cholesteral was a little low 38.. but my overall was 153 (I think).. other than the 38.. everything else looked A-okay
I told him I must be tired due to old age.. *he laughed*.. but
... have we met..
but keep us posted
no tongue.. your sick.