An update on me
hey its been well one hell of a week sorry i haven't posted much i was staying at a friends and no computer so... anyways big things happening for me this week my bestfriend and her baby are moving in with us and i should be hearing on my social securtiy any day now but i also have kinda sad news for me i went to my main doc like 2 weeks ago for testing and on monday went in and got the results i had my A1C tested if u dont know its about your diabetes and if it is in control it was pretty good then he tells me my cholestoral was high but i had not fasted before so he said it was not i problem then he gave me the bad news apprently the diabetes has done premanant damage to my kidneys the walls i guess are coming out in my urine i think is how he explained it to me and there is no way to repair it onlu said ihad to keep my diabetes under control but i felt like screaming
you just said it has been GOD its just one more thing you know...
Anyway on anyother front i find myself happy in almost all other parts of my life i am talking to an amazing guy who makes me feel better about me than anyone else ever has i didn't this guys like him where still out there let alone that i might find one i hope every thing works out!!!!!!

I'm sorry Amanda about your kidneys..
I hope it's not too serious.. to where dialysis is ever required.. and that hopefully you can have the WLS to help maintain your diabetes to help with your kidneys. If they decline.. using the kidneys would be a great appeals reason.. but we will pray that they approve the first time.
Good luck on the friend and baby moving in.. when a very good friend and I moved in together..
well.. they say don't.. and now I know why
I still love her.. but we tested the waters.. and I haven't talked to her since then really...
now.. who is this MAN..
the one I know about.. or another.. whomever.. I'm glad you are happy!! Altho.. I like THAT man (I know about) alot too..
missed ya and glad you are back with us

there rhonda i missed her reading your cheerful messages the doctor sounded kinda positive its just freaking me out but i'll be good thank youfor the prayer i need it i am going
waiting to hear on stuff u know
on the friend thing we have lived together 2 times before and it was ok she is my sister of the heart and her son is my godson my first tru love he is 14 months god he is a doll and a terror

but i love him
OF COURSE its the one you know about 
i missed ya too