Wow - This is where everyone went!!
I got very busy with a job change, trying to save money for a ring, fighting with family over wedding issues and working on the house. Next thing I know, everyone is gone and I understand there was a fight.
1. No more fights. I don't know who did what and said what to whom. We all have enough ship in our lives that fighting with each other isn't a good thing.
2. Need your support, I have made a commitment to be under 200lbs on my wedding date. 40lbs should be doable, but I am going to have to get off my a's and workout.
3. For those that asked, the wedding will be sometime next summer. Teacher will have time off and my new employer give extra "honeymoon" leave to people after 12 months employment. We are going to have a VERY small wedding. Basically, investing funds in the wedding and the honeymoon.
Bill aka "Brad Ford"
where's my ship? how come i don't have a ship in my life???? i wanna ship!!!!
congratulations on your engagement!
btw, i don't think there was a "fight". If so i missed it. I was under the impression that some people just no longer felt comfortable on a single's board. Perhaps it was due to some nasty comments, but a fight? Not to my knowledge.
glad you followed Liz's directions... now get use to it..
you'll soon be having a women do that to you everyday....
Congratulations on the engagement..
and you are two days late.. some of us just started this week with the PC Diet.. *pouch challenge* first two days protein liquids.. and then other stuff..
here was what inspired us... the 5 day Pouch test..
if you would like to do it..
and blame Liz for not telling you were we went.. she's known all along..