the PC.. tomorrow
don't forget Katie-Bug.. Steve.. Kellee?? and whomever.. that the Pouch-Challenge begins tomorrow.
Monday and Tuesday is just protein liquids..
may we all achieve the goal we place before us

yes.. i would think a protein mix.. and milk will work great..
probably best if not whole milk.. but still good!!
i'm thinking some add fruit with their powder and milk to make like a smoothie.. I guess that would be okay.. just more calories tho.
I bought 4 pack of AdvantEDGE carb control drinks.. french vanilla. They have 11 oz 110 calories.. 2 carbs.. and 17g protein. And then bought 6 Isopures Zero Carbs.. they are 20oz with 160 calories.. 0 carbs and 40g protein.
I guess you just want to make sure you are getting your protein in.. if you get hungry drink one.. if you get to craving eat a SF popsicle.. that's my (and Katie's plan)
sorry about your friends grandma