What's the plans this weekend...
today.. work
until 12:30.. hoping *crossing fingers* that I go home and start cleaning out closets and such.. I have sooo many shoes.. purses.. clothes that I do NOT wear/use and I MUST downsize the JUNK in my house.. so I will begin cluttering so I can then unclutter... *I hope* altho the Thriftstore is screaming my name
so we will see...
meeting family at Barleycorns at 7 tonite for dinner.. to celebrate Courtney's graduating University of Kentucky with her Masters. *reminder pick up card that holds money*.
saturday is suppose to be GORGEOUS.. I would like to do something.. I know the picnic is going on.. but also need to work on clutter too.. and Dan would like to play a round of golf.. so it's just a "play it by ear day.."
nothing again planned.. maybe a stay in my jammies day
whatch'a doing??

Hey Baby what shakin? Who's that other fella thats postin to ya? I don't know about that guy. I think he's lookin at ya funny!
Pretty sure he's got naughty thoughts goin on there! Watch out! Your virtue may be in danger with him!
Well this weekend Deb and I are headin down to Sacramento to look at a Ford Explorer my Uncle has that he says is leakin water. He replaced the thermostat in it and it sounds like he put it in backwards. He says we can have it if we want it. Hopefully it's something silly and we're gonna score a decent vehicle for the kid. Other than that we're just fartin around the house being all married and stuff. Maybe we'll go yard saleing? That sounds like fun! Love ya sweetie, Kiss the ole fart for me. Spark

shhhhhhhhhh. no talk of yardsales. none. especially after a girl has just went through the whole hwy 127 - 6 states of yard sales bull ****
They are STILL set up doing yard sales? AHH! (incase, ya don't know what I'm talking about!)
i don't know sparkie.. that ole' fart is younger than us
.. altho I think he has more dog years on him than we do
good luck on the truck.. and it should at least be a nice drive to and fro.. I love *when gas prices allow* to just take scenic drives
of course it's been awhile since been able to THAT now.
Have fun.. and buy the little misses somethin' from the yard sale.. like a flower vase to hold fresh cut flowers in.. *hint.. hint* Dan and I love yard sales.. and thus my need to de-clutter my house
love you and the mrs(s)

I'm sooooooooo tired!
I was up till 3am finishing my apartment!
Today - Going for a bloodtest.
Then heading out to my moms house to spend the night and do laundry.
Then waking up super early to head over to Cookeville... So she can get the 99cent special on patterns...Like she's REALLY going to sew? *yawwwwwwn*
Then the rest of the weekend is planned.
Sunday -
Most likely heading to my parents house again with Brian & Ashton for Sunday dinner, like always.
I wanna go back to bed.
Stupid blood test!
Congrats to Courtney for graduating with her masters! That's fantastic!

What are you doing to finish your apt??
i get to go for my long overdue bloodwork monday..
have fun with momma.. and shoppin for patterns..
.. do you sew too? I always wanted to and even got a sewing machine.. but notta.. also with quilting.. my aunt started teaching me and .. notta .. I'm bad.. with not much home economics skeels..
go back to bed Katie-buggs