OK Liz....
Ok, I'm here. Been out with iv's and other shiz going into my body. Got dehydrated and malnourished, again and in the hospital for 2 days. How on God's green earth can someone gain 67 pounds and be malnourished???????
Anyway, some chick with 8 kids won the trip. She needs it more than I did. Now, my cruise is on Sept 9 coming back on the 16th. The only way they doctor would let me go was to contact the ship's medical group, tell them to keep whatever iv's on hand, and to make me check in right after breakfast and then once in the late afternoon for my vitals to be monitored. But, I'm looking forward to going. There are about 40 of us going and they are all from my hometown, so the meeting was like a homecoming. There were four other people that have already made the travel agent put them with mom and me. They seem fun and they all (well, all but one) are well over 300 pounds and don't give a shiz, so it'll be fun.
I bet you are getting nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I definitely want to see pictures once you get back from Hawaii. You know, sightseeing photos, not those nekkie pics you and Nate are going to take....
Thanks for asking!
OMG....i am so sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital...wow, i wish we knew....but my prayers and thoughts will continue to be with you and you will be strong before during and after your cruise...i know you have been so looking forward to this trip so i know it will work it...i just KNOW IT......
I hope you are feeling better...it was so good to hear from you....keep us posted please......
I am actually doing okay on the wedding front....am sure that will change if the bridezilla comes out in me regarding the locale of our reception and rehearsal dinners that i have some concerns about but have come to realize i am not in control about it...so i need to just give in....
I WILL TAKE TONS OF PICS...and maybe one of natie's buttocks...it is perfect and so cute oh he will kill me...so to be a good wife, maybe i won't
Love ya honey...
PS Bummer on the trip to Europe....but sounds like the cruise is going to be a blast....take pics for us.....you are not going to jamaica are you???