I look like...
Do what you need to on that anemia and don't mess around with it too much.
More so, how are YOU doing? Have you stopped stressing over school yet? And what about your appeal?
Oh, and hey...tell your Grandma the formerly singles board says hi! Can't wait to do Christmas cards again this year. Just ticks me off I gotta send 'em to all these dang married people...

I have become more at peace with what is going on with school...my last appeal is tomorrow but I don't really expect them to change their minds. I need to sit down and talk with the guy I am dating...he lives in Carbondale and I don't think he is going to want to do the distance thing...even if it is only an hour and half drive. I can't afford to keep my appartment unless I get a job so I need to see about getting out of the lease. At least if I move home I can help my dad...my mom is/has been sick and we have her mother and brother here...so he could use the help taking care of everyone.
I will tell my grandmother you said hi...she loved getting those cards soo much...I have to admitt I look forward to them as well.
Unfortunately right now I don't have health insurance or the money to cover the test...so it will have to wait a bit. I know that I am prone to anemia because of the fibroids and I was on the pill which helps control the anemia. The problem is that the hormones in the pill feed the fibroids and make them bigger...so I decided to go off the pill.
I can't win either way.