Hey Mel and Jay!
Twenty-six days!
Remind us again why we didn't elope....
How do you spell stress? W-E-D-D-I-N-G
I know it will all work out in the end...Jay and I stress about alot of things but we always seem to land on our feet somehow. But I will say it was way easier last time i got married. My Mom handled so much of the leg work and Dad just opened his checkbook.

Not a whole lot of women will sign on with that elope program. I know that I suggested to Sas that we go off to Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator. Never been to Vegas, you know see the sights, play a little Texas Hold Em, botta bing, botta boom. So what does Sas say, you take me to Vegas to get married and there will be NO botta bing much less the botta boom.
So we agree on a small family wedding, right? Just the immediate family and no friends. Well I send her home to shop with her Mom for the wedding. After all, Mom's and Daughter's love the wedding shopping. When she gets back we have decided to invite the extended family and a couple of friends. So the Elvis impersonator got the shaft, I missed out on Vegas however there is always a silver lining...I did get the Botta Bing and definitely the Botta Boom.
So just you remember that when you give poor Mel any crap about the wedding plans. By the way, you cannot get married in the Rock n Roll HOF without some reference to the King. Would be just plain wrong if you know what I mean.

Mel would've signed on totally but i had to go and get a "free" wedding deal out of the rock hall. pffffffffft. most expensive free thing ever. they're giving us over 10K worth of stuff and it's still costing us way more than i ever thought i'd have much less thought i'd pay for a wedding. but it will be a memory that will last a life time.
btw, i have no love for Elvis Presley and do not consider him any kind of rock n' roll royalty whatsoever. i don't even consider him to be rock and roll. In my opinion he was all image and no substance. And that was his good years. Later on he became a first a cheeseball and a disgusting person. It bothers me how he gets the credit that should be bestowed upon others.
I don't mean to disrespect you and if you love Elvis i'm glad you get enjoyment from him. that's worth a lot and it's the one thing i do respect him for, he gave a lot of people joy and happiness. that alone makes him great.
I have a lot of RnR on my systems and not one Elvi tune. However it is universal knowledge that Elvis is the King. I only suggested the Elvis impersonator because it was so tacky that Sas would never agree, and I was right on target (went over like a Led Zepplin balloon).
Viva Las Vegas ya'll,
By the way, will your wedding party be somewhat small or big or who knows?