Morning to all
good Morning Sunshiney Perkette
my weekend was most excellent... Dan and I went to a AA convention close by.. and was truly inspired and motivated by some really awesome people.
It simply amazes me the people in these places.. there were over 900 registered.. to hear their stories.. where they have been and how far they've come.. much humor.. and with a personal message in each*shakin head* we bought many CD's and as funny as it sounds I can't wait to listen to them. I must think I'm sick
and to see so many young ones there.. I know how hard it is for them young ones.. and it warms me to see them working it. Another touching part was on Saturday nite they had a count down.. recognizing sobriety from the oldest to the newest.. the oldest was the Speaker that nite.. with I think 43 years. Everyone applauded.. and we worked down to 2 people who had 1 day
for them eveyone stood and applauded. They received a standing ovation.. for they are the ones who mean the most. That is the hardest step.. and if not for them.. I don't think there will be the person most further out.
Okay.. off my soapbox
after that we went to the Discount clothing store yesterday and SHOPPED for many hours.. I had to DRAG Poppa outta there.. *shakin head* he's sic..
but he'll look hott in all his new clothes he bought his self..
warm and fuzzy kisses to everyone

**Hi Jack** Rhonda honey tell the ole fart you run around with that I got his " I (heart) you" and it truly brought a teer to my eye
Sounds like ya had a great weekend. Stand on that soap box anytime cause ya never know who's listening and just needs to hear it. Hugs to ya sweetie and kiss ole long in the tooth for me!