does this sound "weird" or is it just me..
does 60 days sound
cuz I think she should have gotten longer..

the lawyers had settled on a plea deal but the judge refused it.. wanted her to do some time.. which I give him credit for..
"Bartlett previously rejected a plea deal that would have spared Dinkel, who pleaded guilty to third-degree rape, jail time. "
and she is getting all this..
"Bartlett also ordered Dinkel to register as a sex offender for the next 20 years, receive psychological counseling, substance abuse treatment, pay a $2,500 fine, volunteer 200 hours of community service working with under-privileged women and earn no profit from books or movies about the case. "
but I just thought if the sexes were reversed.. "he" would have gotten a longer term.. *I think*..
yeah... I thought this other news story weird too.. if they have a web site of pics showing a man having sexual relations with a toddler..
why give the wife a lighter (seperate crime) a sentence to testify against him..