Cheese and Rice!!!!! it cool out by Robinson? We just had a tornadoe sighting over the city moving East.....The watch is over now...but jesus man...I'm for real scared.
I gotta drive home from town to Beaver....
We are in a lull right now....another storm is coming....
Millvale, Sharpsbug, and something over that way is under is saying a building collapsed somewhere....
I'm nervous.
Of all days to forget my cell phone at home.
Oh, don't be nervous. Tornadoes are nothing to us in Oklahoma. We stand in the garages with the neighbors and watch them until they hit one street over. Then we wait to see if it is going to turn towards us or away from us and then we figure we'll just go watch the weather on the news.
What is really sad, we really DO this in Oklahoma. And it was worse up in the northeast part where I came from. In fact, I'd go nader watching with my Daddy when I was about 5 and he was Fire Chief in our small town. Now, these folks in Central Oklahoma (red dirt hell) they freak the hell out on the television about the most insignificant rain cloud. I've had my neighbors yell at me (while standing in the garage) to go inside 'cuz a "big one" is coming.
I'm still waiting for the "big one".
The other Lizzie