hey grandpaw..
what's for supper.. ??
okay.. *****member's grandpaw.. name THAT show
or.. what have you eaten today.
so far..
3 turkey bacon, hot pepper cheese, egg beaters
lite yogurt
half a kit-kat
thanks Kat..
sunflower seeds
wendy's chicken sandmich.. not eaten yet but the order was placed
and I even have a damn hamburger here.. I could ate for free..

Hee Haw..
and you gotta love Junior Samples.. BR-549
my uncle use to dance on the mid-western hayride
small trivia

No clue.
Eaten today:
A few bites of mixed fruit cup (watermelon, grapes, cauntelope pieces)
Half a can of Chef Boyrdee spaghetti w/meatballs (thew the rest out, couldn't stomach anymore)
Working on 1/2 of a chicken breast and a few really soft quarters of new potatoes.
Still struggling with fluids. I have some hot tea to drink after lunch, and then a diet pepsi towards quitting time.
tell that man or yers to take you out for prime rib for supper.. ummmm..
that sounds good..
you're eating good btw.. except not sure if I coulda stomached the chef boyrdee either.. I probably woulda
I don't do too good on processed frozen foods either.. like those healthychoice and stuff..
the other day I had wendy's chili and it was yummie and only a buck
.. and doctor had even recommeded it not long out of surgery