Ever wake up to skeery thunderstorms, lightning, blowing trees...yadda yadda.
Yeah, Welcome to Pittsburgh.
I woke up this morning 6 minutes before my alarm was to go off due to my dog weazling her way under the comforter, and repeatidly clawing at my ribs and chest as she was licking my left eye socket, as I was laying on my right side. She was skeered.

Do you think it's the texture of my eyelid....possibly my eyelashes that draws her to my eye.....she's always lickin my eyes....
I'm gonna go with next wednesday possibly?
I would say tonight but I got 3 meetings in a row....I don't get home till like 10, and I wanna get there early so I can make that my home group.
Eh...not sure.
Supposed to be pretty hot here too....f'in rain keeps evaporating makes it feel like a tropical rain forest out there. Yick.