My first post
HI to all my friends here on the board. This is the first post I have started here on the Family and Friends board.... Yeah Rhonda someone forgot to tell me about the exodus from the singles board until about a week and a half ago.... cough, cough! So I'm a little slow on the uptake. here's a little update for those who might be interested.... btw where is Skanky hiding
*** out *** out wherever you are....
My 6 month visit was today... even though I hit the 6 month surgiversary on Sunday.
I know I haven't been on here as much as I used to as I have been a busy shrinking little boy. I still visit here now and again I just don't post as much
Oh you want to hear more do you.... well pull up a chair.
I am down to 253.0lbs as of 914am this morning. From my heaviest I am down 136lb. I am down 113lbs from morning of my surgery. 113LBS!!!!!!!! That is just freaking awesome. I knew I would lose but it still just has to hit you in the face every once in a while to make you realize the significance of the moment.
I no longer take any of the diabetes meds. Nor my blood pressure meds. Nor my mood altering meds. Yes no more chloresterol pill either. That means no more shots, liquids or pills. MY chloresterol is fantastic HDL is 44, my LDL is 91 and my triglycerides are at 68. WOW! My A1C test results were 5.8 before surgery it was 10.8 the last time.
As some of you have heard, I proposed to Katrina two weeks ago. We are looking at getting married June of next year. Until then I will be busy losing more weight, working, paying off as many bills as I can before the wedding and working hard at spoiling Kat as much as I can.
Truly I am not worthy, but she loves me anyway.
Keep an eye out as the Buddah will be disappearing. And a new persona will appear... I just haven't figured out what to call it. No pictures just yet. But I will get some soon.

My doc and I are in agreement that we think with my frame that my goal should be around 210-215. We will see how it goes. If I can lose some more and look healthy than maybe I will keep going for a few more lbs. But if I start looking like I am an aids patient or something similar than I will go back up some.