All this talk...
....Of walmart is repulsing me.....Stop IMMEDIATLY.
Reasons I hate walmart:
1)sticky floors
2)ghetto people saying..."hey mami" as I walk past. (WTF is a Mami?)
3)jobs there in general stealing away from the locals.
4)non-english speaking employees.
5)the mass herdings that go into walmart.
6)the massive lines. You got 80 people in line and 2 registers opened?
7)the fact that walmart wiped out my direct route to work. It's not even a freakin walmart yet, they can't get the land stabalized enough to build the walmart. Ask Jeffy, he knows.
I don't like shopping there, I don't like the crowds of people, I get all anxiety ridden in there, I fight with Mike in there....I don't know why. I hate it there, he loves it there.
Thank you and have a nice day.
*steps off my soapbox*
kellee will agree with you on this...
I try to avoid it, but every once in a while..I pull out my sleevless Dale Earnhardt Junior, sleeveless t, put some greese on it, get out an old pair of jeans, cut off the legs, pull my socks up and wear sandals with my socks, put on my best nascar hat, pull my mullet down, let my armpit hair grow to unthinkable lenghs, and deodorant..forget about it...
My Walmart gets all the "fine upstanding citizens from the state of West Virginia coming to it"....
I go to simply get pharmacy supplies cause they are dollars cheaper there than the grocery store...then I go to the grocery stores to get my food...