Send Momma Blondie A Note, She's having her Knee Replacement Tomorrow....

Blondie **
on 8/6/07 3:25 am - Mean People Suck, MO
As you guys may or may not know, Momma Blondie's knee surgery is tomorrow, in Jonesoboro, AR. We leave here at 3:30 in the morning. I was hoping you could send her an "Email Message".....They say they will hand deliver it to her. We will be there until probably Saturday..... I am staying in the room with her, it's this new program for "Total Joint Replacement" they have at St. Bernard's Medical Center. It requires a family member stay 24/7 in the room with the patient to assist them and help them with there twice a day physical therapy. Here's the link: Here's the info you'll need in order to send her a quick note: First: Leigh Last: Harden Patient Hometown: Kennett, MO Location: (Check) St. Bernards Medical Center Your First: Your Last: Your email ONLY if you want a confirmation, you do NOT have to fill this in... Message: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you guys so much, this will really make my mom happy!! Blondie
Gladys S.
on 8/6/07 4:05 am - Detroit, MI
Good wishes on their way. Hope all goes well.
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