Okay, heres a twist on...
Kellee's post...Since I am busy looking for jobs, a couple of my coworkers and I were talking about these things so I decided to post them...
What are the top three physical traits you look for in a women/man?
What are the top three non-physical traits you look for?
Would you rather your sig. other be older/younger than you?
Would you rather your sig. other be taller/shorter than you?
What is a big turn on in your world?
What is a big turn off in your world?
Entertain me please...

What are the top three physical traits you look for in a women/man?
1) build *proportinate.. 6 pac abs is good too
2) teeth *false is good.. as long as they have 'em in
3) hands *big and strong*
What are the top three non-physical traits you look for?
1) humor
2) compassion
3) honesty
Would you rather your sig. other be older/younger than you? YOUNGER
Would you rather your sig. other be taller/shorter than you? TALLER
What is a big turn on in your world? COMMUNICATION
What is a big turn off in your world? LYING.. DECEITFULLNESS

I guess I should answer it myself....
3)(Clears throat..No comment)
1)Humor, Happy, Laughter, all of these rolled into one
3)As mentioned below - Loyalty/Dedication
If younger then within a year maybe 2, prefer my age or older
Considering I'm 6'3 ... shorter...
Turn On (This can be physical or non I guess)
A good pationate kiss i guess for physical, non physical....dedication to ur sig. other, loyalty
Turn Off (Again Physical or non Physical)
bad breath for physical, Someone who trys to control you for non physical

What are the top three physical traits you look for in a women/man?
dinker size...Dude you asked.
What are the top three non-physical traits you look for?
1)a brain
2)a brain that works
3)a brain that will continue to work
My real answers-
1) a brain, that works, and is intelligent, and uses common sense.
2) To make sure he has my best interest at heart, as I would he.
3) Wants children. Fo'rizzle.
Would you rather your sig. other be older/younger than you? Doesn't matter.
Would you rather your sig. other be taller/shorter than you? Taller. A serious complex I have. You have to be taller than me, so I don't look as fat as I am. I'm not kidding. I've had this complex since highschool.
What is a big turn on in your world? My family and Law and Order. I'm a very simple person.
What is a big turn off in your world? Direct tv ****tin the bed during law and order and someone disrespecting me or my family. I will track you down and make you miserable.

Let's be honest here Jeffy. I don't go grabbin winkers, nor do I bang on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th dates.....If you make out with a dude, you are bound to touch his dink.....making it to 3rd base does not mean you are emotionally attached, so yes. I'm sticking with my original answer.
Touch it.
I could also change that answer from dinker to someone who can actually lift my fat ass up off the ground, give me a piggy back ride, and carry me to a safe location had I fallen off the side walk and broke my ankle, knee, and hip to the point I couldn't walk.