I had the ODDEST dreams last night.
I was walking all over a foreign country. I was so tired i could barely lift my feet up off the ground and kept getting into arguments with people trying to get past me because i was in their way. at one point i was crawling on the ground crying trying to get a taxi.
I knew Mel and Dakota and the rest of my family were back at the hotel waiting for me but i had no way to get back there. no one spoke English and i couldn't get any help. This kept recurring in my dreams all night long.
the weirdest part was at one time i wound up at a mcdonalds, i ordered a cinnamon roll and then when i went to get napkins and half and half they had all these free pastries for the taking, everyone was fighting over them and i took three or four and then dropped them all and couldn't eat them. i started crawling along the parking lot unable to stand up and people were making fun of me and throwing things at me. i looked back at the mcdonalds and the windows were filled with TVs showing adds for Mickey D's and they all had people who would start ripping their clothes off and then continue to rip their skin and muscles and organs off their bodies till they were just skeletons and would crumble into dust. This part is really embarrassing... i started crawling away again and i was leaving a trail of pee on the ground without knowing why.
I hate my dreams lately. I never used to have bad dreams. it sucks. I feel like i'm getting NO rest.
you're crawling cuz you almost anemic..
seems a few people on here are having some weird-ass dreams of late... glad I can't remember mine
I know I've been restless lately cuz my lower back and legs hurt come early morning and I keep moving around trying to find a comfortable position tho
wonder if it's the medication.. I would think so.. to cuz weird dreams.. Dan said when he was on the nicotine patch he had weird ones.. and I think I remember I did too.
you all should compare your medication to see if there is a common one. maybe

One of the first things I did when Cathy agreed to move to Texas to be with me was to buy a new bed. Needed one anyhow given all my possessions stayed behind due to my divorce. I really don't care too much for the bed, it is only a year old, and am seriously considering buying another. I know of nothing more dibilitating to one's life than a poor bed. The problem lies in the fact that often what is uncomfortable to one is comfortable to another...i.e. She and He may disagree about the type of bed to get.
I guess this is why Sleep Number beds with separate setting for each side of the bed are so popular.
On another note, now that my sleep apnia is gone I have dreams all the time. Which is way out there for me since being without them for 11 plus years. Dreams are by their very nature surreal and are supposedly from our deepest most inner-parts of our minds. However there are common themes as most have awoken with the feelling that they are falling.
Your dream was normal until you got to the part about McDonalds then it turned into a nightmare. I hate Mickey Dees!
I had a dream last night about the Stooges.

I had weird dreams last night too...
I was making roast beef for my Mom and it was all fatty and gross. I've never made roast beef in the oven before.
I was watching porn in an attic with my friend Shawn. Not sure who's attic or why we were doing that.
and something else strange that now I can't seem to remember but also very odd.
Shawn? please could it be a hot friend that i don't know, not Sam's mom?!
if it was another hottie it would better for MY dreams.
i think the sudafed i got you kept you up last night and might even have caused your weird dreams. i forgot it affects some people's sleep. you should take it earlier in the day. i did get just the four hour type not the 12 or 24 hour so hopefully it wasn't too bad.
the doc today gave me some type of speed. i have to look it up. i'm not really sure i want to take it because of the anxiety issues.