i am an idiot
i stopped taking my vitamins. i never seemed to have trouble for over a year and most of my blood levels came back with everything high so i figured what the heck. i hate taking vitamins and they're expensive.
of course now i've been feeling like crap and today we got my blood test results.... anemic, low B-12, low Folic acid, low Zinc and low albumin. now wonder i feel like crap.
what a swift kick in the ass.
I'm a slacker to Jay... and been feeling like **** skeered to get blood work done but have dr appt for 8-8.. not sure if bloodwork will done on THAT day.. cuz appt is in afternoon and not sure if I can fast during the day
but it's a start.. in getting a family doctor established. Dan's been here a year and has a family doctor.. I've lived her
46 years and don't...
i will be standing in line for the ass kickin.. I'm sure
what's the course of ACTION for YOU...??

Dude you're not an idiot.
Please get yourself back on track. Get up brush off your knees and get back to it. Did you get a b-12 shot when you were at the doc's getting blood work back? I love my b-12 shots....I feel so much better then next day, then blam back to feeling like **** a week later.
Not to scare you, When I was crappin blood, went to the ER(due to iron issues), the ER doc noticed bruises all over my body...looked at Mike and asked him if this was normal, Mike said yes....she bruises all the time. They kept me there due to being anemic.
Even if it's a multi-vitamin, get something in your system. I eat centrum chewables every morning, then brush my teeth to get all the grit off. Before my coffee b-12 sublingual(which I also have a stash at work, that I pop like candy, and they're good), I take a plura of them....Seems kinda funny, considering our conversation yesterday. I do good to my body, I do bad....*head smacks*...****** idiot!

my freaking doctor hasn't even seen me! I called asking for a shot and they sent me for blood work instead. Their office staff is f*ked. Mel made them fax them to my family doctor who agree to fax her the results. But neither doctor's office has contacted me. I'll talk to my other doctor today as she is wonderful.
I am back on my centrum, sublingual and b-50. i stopped taking them. that's why i'm a moron. when i took them all my blood work was fine. not sure what's happened to my protein (albumin) levels except i no longer drink three lattes a day and don't get all that milk. probably what it is. i hate going back on protein supplements. i hate them. well i don't hate them as much as i hate dragging all the stuff out to make them properly as we have a small kitchen and no where for my blender or shaker. and no ice. i feel like crying. what a man.
as for yesterday... not much of a conversation. pretty one sided. i'm worried about you.
Dude, don't cry!! If you cry, I'll cry.
Don't worry about me....I'ma tough cookie. Today is the first day I didn't argue with myself the whole entire hour commute to work. I actually listened to the radio and some Tool....actually Jammed out to Tool noticeably people looking. hehehe.
Ask and ye shall recieve Jay.
FYI-Tori's coming to the Benedum on 10/30 tickets go on sale Saturday 8/4. I'm geeked. Assuming I have no tracking devices on me, I'm going.
Dude last time she came to the Benedum it was her and her piano only. I got the chills just thinking about it. And possibly make some money off of it as I sneak in some type of recording device...Phone, camera, recorder...I don't know or care!