kitty kat katie
first I stopped at walmart and bought a new pet carrier.. hard shell. My other was soft shell old and smellie..
I wouldn't even want to get in it..
so.. went home and shut her and I in the bathroom together
but a towel over her head and started her inside... she balked
.. hissed.. cried.. and backed her ass out of it. Okay.. tried it again.. she balked. Trapped her in a corner.. and held cage in front and tried to scoop her in it..
didn't work. Finally I said BULL****
put a small towel over her head.. grabbed her ass and shoved it.. she hissed.. hissed.. hissed.. but did not scratch or try to bite... and in she went. I was hoping I didn't break her leg or hip *she had a broken leg once before, another story*. I heard a cry outside the door.. opened it and in **** Allie with hair raised to save me
she looked in the cage to see what the hell was going on.. and I told her it was okay.
Took Kate to Vet.. sqwalled all the way there
poor thang..
Got there and assistant had to pry her hinnie out of the pet carrier.. *shaking head*.. weighed in just under 15lbs..
and is now on the cold table and wants to love on me. Vet sees her.. treats her for UTI based on info I told him. Gave her 2 shots.. antibotics for home and tube of something for aciditity in urine. Said if it goes away and comes back he'll x-ray her.. if it doesn't go away, he'll x-ray her.. if it goes away GOOD.. saves me an x-ray bill. After he's done I open pet carrier and say get in Katie and she runs inside..
damnn cat
Total cost $79.00 + pet carrier.. and stress of getting her hinnie in it. She seemed better tho yesterday.. wasn't running to the liter box.. and frisky trying to attack my feet this morning.. did I mention she's meaner than ****
poppa held her this morning and I gave her the dropper of med.. she lived!!
thanks for asking

Sweet tits.....
How old is katie, what food are you feeding her, and what was the ph in her pee?
Assuming doc did a urine test, did he make you take pee in?
I know a thing or two about pets, I've been in this industry for 13 years....bah.
At any rate, Pending on your food, it is quite possible the fat is too high(which causes crystals in urine), protien is too low(which makes the ph rise in urine, to cause build up in the pee tubes). I'd try and find a food that has at least 30% protien. Also, make sure you have an actual meat in your first 3 ingredients on your bag. Not a by product or meal. Most cat food is chicken based unless otherwise noted on the bag, if chicken meal or by-product is your main source of protien, it's not a great food.
UTI's are more common in dogs than cats, however inflammation of the urinary tract shows the same symptoms as a uti.
Another thing....Your vet will normally tell you 2 litter boxes per cat. If you have mutiple cats, I'd put more boxes in your house. We have two cats and 5 boxes. Even if you scoop every day you still have nasty bacteria in there that can cause the same symptoms as UTI's.
Put yourself in Kitties position. How would you want to be fed, and how would you want to do your business?
Good luck!

not sure how old she is... time flys.. I'm thinking she is.. maybe 8 to 10ish..
no pee test performed.. he asked what I fed her.. and I said I have 2 cats.. and I split a can of either 9-lives or tuna(in water) 1 in the morning and another in the evening.. and they eat hard cat food.. for indoor living cats. I do give them fat free milk too.. and sometimes packaged.. honey ham lunchmeat, but didn't tell him that. He said okay.. and recommeded gradually trying them on a better food.. like science diet. He said male cats tend to clog their urinary tubes.. girls not so much.. and said about the crystals.. but he didn't feel any.. but they can be small and he not feel them.
my other cat Allie.. had the same problem 3 years ago.. and same treatment and hasn't come back *i think* *knock on wood*.. I should get another liter box I reckon
not sure where I'll put it tho.. but can figure out something..
they tend to pee in the front.. both of em.. and poopie in the back of the box
and I scoop every other day.. or when I see the need.. sometimes I've slacked

9-lives and some dry you have no idea?
Forget what your vet says about science diet, he's trying to make money off of you.
In the grocery store you can purchase Purina ONE. Which is actually better than Science Diet health wise. It's the best stuff you can find in grocery store...Yes, even BETTER than IAMS. Procter and Gamble is bull**** once they took over Eukanuba/Iams, the cat/dog food lines went to hell. If you want to haul out big bucks for your kitties, I'd suggest Wellness, Royal Canin, Chicken Soup, Natures Variety, Solid Gold(some of the line), or Eagle. As for cans, In the grocery store...Best bet will horribly be those Iams packets. I'd suggest, Merricks cans, chicken soup, wellness and eagle again.(Pet speacialty stores)
My kids get a mixture of Dry Royal Canin Sens Stomach cause my oldest vomits all the time, wet(cans)Wellness supreme duck, natures variety venison, Merrick's california roll, cowboy cookout and new england. The only thing princess cat won't vomit on.
I know it's overwhelming, and I think it sucks I take better care of my pets than I do myself, but our 4 legged friends keep the love in our hearts, and the smiles on our faces.
(Am I preaching? I think I'm still traumatized due to Scarfy....Sorry doll.)

Preach to me girl
it's all good.. actually Allie throws up all the time too..
I thought she was just bulemic.. gorges all the good and then
I will print this off.. and go shoppin for my girls.
I think the hard cat food is purina.. not sure tho.. green and black bag..
and I fed tuna.. cuz butterball deli turkey got too expensive and I got tired of wasting money on can cat food cuz Allie would not eat it.. much. So I would open it wait til evening and then down the drain
.. Katie like the nine-lives more than tuna so I switch it up some...
again.. I will try the brands that you suggest and see
now.. about YOU.. how was your day yesterday *starin at Lizzie*

I'm much better today than I was yesterday. Like I told Jay, I didn't argue with myself during the commute to work this morning. I actually listened to music. I'm smiling, praying, reading, and getting excited to see who I will meet tonight, and see some familiar faces I hope.
OK...listen.....purina does have a green and black bag....that's not the right stuff....That's the cat want...
Purina ONE
They also have a new "holistic" line, natural blends or some **** I don't even think it's in stores yet. Purina ONE, Total Nutrition Chick&Rice. If you really do have a sensitive belly use the ONE sensitive systems. all it means is it's more palatable for kitties belly. As for cans/wet food Purina pro-plan has cans, but pro-plan is pet specialty stores only. I have no idea why they won't take this line into grocery. The just pulled ONE into pet specialty stores about 6 months was only grocery. Makes no sense.
Also, what I like best about Purina.....All of thier plants are USA based so any of thier dry food was not on the recall list. Just about the only dry food line that wasn't recalled.
I'm such a nerd when it comes to pet food/pets.....I have a book on my desk that has all ingredient panels from every dog food made in the year 2006. And yes, Purina ONE is healthier than Iams...when it comes to grocery store food.