Kellee, you asked....
As for Scarfy....I did ask for a full Autopsy on my girl, but I am actually believing what she is saying. She said heat stroke. Mike was jogging/walking her, she collapsed at the car, he knew immediatly something was wrong, he took her to the local ER vet(which after I did my research, is actually an OK vet). Scarf's was dead upon arrival however, after getting her in to the room, the vet took her temp, and her body temp was at 109 degrees. 109 degrees is deadly to dogs, seeing as regular temp is between 99-101. So I am starting to actually believe this foriegn vet, that we've never used.
109 degrees after being dead for 10 minutes at least, riding in the air conditioning, and fully hydrated(we are not dumb, and I don't allow Mike to be dumb when it comes to my kids)....ok, our kids.
Mind you the high temp was 80 degrees that day, and it was raining.
I know this sounds morbid, but kellee asked, sorry if I offended anyone.
They said about 3 weeks on the autopsy.
Thanks for asking-

don't apologize.. I wanted to know also.. what you care about, I care about
thanks for the help in getting Katie's hinnie and four legs in the pet carrier.. part of my problem is the pet carrier is one of those folding type ones.. it does open in the top and side.. I will try to shove her in the top tho
and since I'm taking off work early to get her there... SHE WILL GO
I don't care how many bandaides I have to wear