Why I haven't been around...
So it has been a while since I have been on the board...since before my sister's wedding as a matter of fact. I guess you could say I have been hiding from reality...
The reality is that I will not be in law school this next year. I have been as they say dismissed for academic cause...while I passed all of my classes my grades were just not high enough. What real suck is that if any one my grades had been .10 higher I would still be in school.
This all actually started a few weeks ago and I have been following the schools appeals process but I am at the end of that and they have basically said I can't prove I will get a 2.0 for the next two semesters...of course they don't suggest how you go about doing that.
So there it is...I no longer have school...I have no job...and I am a bit confused on where to go from here.
Hi Lisa... like Barb.. I'm sorry things did not work out as you had planned.. perhaps this will just open another door for what is meant to be hun... take care.. and hold your head high
you tried and that is all you can ask of yourself.. but don't be afraid to try again.. you're young enough still to bounce back
and no more hiding from reality or the board

Hey Kiddo, Ya know what? There is always tomorrow and the great thing about that is it will be better. You will make it through this because you are a survivior and nothing can keep ya down. Think of what you have been through and how much tougher you are now because of it all. This too will make ya stronger. Don't give up! So ya take a year off. Start thinking about changing things up a bit. Maybe some volunteer work or maybe a Job doing something you've always wanted to do? Even though this door closes open another and step through! I know it looks dark right now but you can change that and make this a positive thing. You are ion my prayers Dar,in, Sparky
I just want to say you are an absolutely outstanding young woman. You are not one of those people that say "I shoulda gone to (fill in the blank)". YOU went out and did it. Maybe it is just not the right time in your life.
My husband, after many years as a software engineer, started law school in the Fall of 2005. This is a guy who pulled a 4.0 gpa in undergrad and thought he knew everything. The first year of law school was, shall we say, a very humbling experience for him and I wondered if he would make it. I had my surgery about a month after he started so I can say that was one miserable 6 months.
The second year seemed to be MUCH, much easier than the first (if that is any consolation), he recently passed the patent bar (he is pursuing a job in patents and intellectual property) and he is finishing a semester early this December.
He has a young friend that attended law school a couple of years ago, was forced to leave after the first year due to grades.
She started again, at the same time as my husband, and she is in the top 5% of the class, named to a prestigious moot court team, has an internship with the county prosecutor's office this summer and will finish in spring of 2008. I'm not saying this is what you should do, but that first year of law school should, in no way, reflect on you or your abilities.
You are a talented young woman and you can do anything you want to.
Lisa, I am so sorry about this. I'm not so sure about appeals with law schools, but if you had just one more chance, I'd ask them to suggest a way in which to get the gpa needed, promise that you'd play with your best "Game" and that it would be one of the wisest things in the world to help you help yourself. If you want this, grovel for it, but be dignified. Assert yourself passed those stiff neck jerks and tell them what you have been through in your life and that did not stop you; they will not stop you.
If you choose not to pursue that route, then you dust yourself off, find a safe haven to relax your brain for a bit, gather yourself up and find work for "right now". Look at all the things you did learn this last year! If you want it badly enough, you'll find a way. The law way may just not have been the way you were supposed to spend your life. Maybe you have a different calling?