are you refreshed..
I love work for the next 30 days...well it still is scary that we have to find work in the next 30 days, but we have our bosses and and the head of HR, trying to force us into positions within the ironically I am not really worried at this point....come mid-late august and i still don't have a job...then panic will have set in..
but as for's very relaxing to get up and have no stress or worries about work...all my coworkers and I do is search for jobs, talk, got to 2-3 hour lunches and leave early..and get paid for it...and to top it off August we get paid three times
..ahhhhhh!!! Utopia....

it will be nice if they place you else where within the company.. as long as you like your position
that happened to me in a company that I worked for 12 years at. Worked my way up in the company.. got in a position that they did away with.. they kept everyone and placed us elsewhere... I got into a position that after a year and half tho I could not handle the position.. so was fired
that sucked.. and I was going thru a divorce..
I had a mini-meltdown..
but.. got another job.. actually a couple since then.. and love what I do now.. just wish there was mo' money..
but I will take happiness over daily stress anytime
best wishes to YOU

good morning....good morning....good morning....!!!!!!
I am soooo thankful for today
i miss you guys
Eli was in a horse show yesterday...... he is almost too big for his pony...... Sam starts football practice tonight....
bad news.... my son's girlfriend, who is 27 weeks pregnant with baby #2 was sent to OSU hospital last Friday because she went into preterm labor .... doctors stopped labor but say this baby will also arrive early.(1st baby was 3 mos early and 2lbs 4oz and 14inches long) As of now baby Jade MIGHT weigh 2lbs. Please keep them in your prayers.
what new with you???

you've been missed too...
I don't want to even think about Eli and his pony..
... I just don't want to go there altho I am wondering how he did?? Was this a county fair show or something??
and football
fall.. autumn.. I thought the other day that the eve's are getting darker sooner... I can't believe how fast father time is these days.. and that I'm 46 and my sister will be 50 next year.. and my aunt turned 73 yesterday.. and my mom/dad
it's sad..
I will come and go.. but life will continue.. :eyes that's all I have to say about FOOTBALL..
and your son's girlfriend and Jade will be in my prayers
new for me
my body hurts today.. lower back like kidneys.. in my thighs and knees.. this pain as come and gone for many years.. not sure what it is... thankfully tylenol seems to stop it. But its a dull achey pain that comes on quick.. and will make me cry cuz of the constant achey hurt
after awhile.. days or so it will go away and come again another time maybe months later. A family doctor checked me once for it.. and said I could be holding urine and could test.. I think he said it's a painful test.. so I never went back
I'll just pop the tyelnols THANK YOU VERY MUCH
I stayed home friday after work, saturday.. in my jammies and it felt good
sunday got up and went to the Promises Club in Newport for morning AA. A gentleman gave a lead and it was good. Dan got his 30 day coin
And then we went to my cousins house and celebrated my aunts 73 birthday. It was nice with some cousins that I've not seen in years.. one was her son that I use to babysit.. and he was HELL to watch.. I swore off babysitting after him
but he appears to have grown up to be a good man
damn I'm getting old again...
okay.. I'm ramblin now.. so I better enter a claim

Morning Rhonda........ughhhhhhhh i am Soooo tired...stayed up Saturday night till 3 am..watching James Bond movies with my son and was up EARLY Sunday at a baseball tournament ALL DAY..........BUTTTT the good news is he stayed at a friends house last night....ANDDDD i went out for a bike ride (
) for a few hours and had a great time....A friend of mine has one of those Rocket bikes...
so you are all crouched over and feel like your gonna fall i glanced down and saw we were at 85mph on the high way...i was
it was so much fun.....But today back to reality.......Family court at 9 am and a full day of clients to see.....My son has football practice tonight and the final baseball game out our last tournament tonight..............then to bed early....? hugssss girlfriend........Darlene

Darlene had a VIBRATING ROCKET between her legs
I bet that felt good.. I'm sooo jealous...
glad you got to enjoy your weekend.. first with the mysterious James Bond and then with the mysterious ROCKET man..
enjoy your day today.. behave in family court.. and try not to walk too funny in front of the judge
hope your son wins tonight