I just saved a bunch of money switching to Geico.
oh & the office has cake....(again) woot!
oh & I just paid off a bill in full.....
& I get to go home in 3 hours.
and.........thats all.
we had donuts.. woot.. woot
and bagels.. woot.. with cream cheese woot woot..
and fruit.. *i went for the donut and part of a bagelwhat does woot meanis that like Yeahhhhh..
I should check out Geico...but I don't like talking lizards...
Our shop had donut holes today...
I maxed out one of my credit cards for my week long trip to the Dominican Republic in November for Rossana and I.
I get to go home in 4 hours
Whats on my radio....Marc Anthony...You sang to me!