I have not been around much lately.....my sister is getting married Saturday so been doing stuff to get ready for that....She let us pick out our own dresses...just had to be long and black.....I bought 3 different dress.....had her come over and help me decide....
I am still doing the southbeach diet and working out about 5 times a week....I lost 8lbs but have stayed ther same for a week...Ann.....are you still doing Southbeach and how are things going....
Dating......I went out with the guy that I dated for 2 months in Feb/March last week..(he lives 1 1/2 hours away but is moving 45 min away in aug.)..we are more "friends" that hang out once and while..he wants to get together Thur but I have the rehersal dinner...I also had a date with a guy that I met on match about 6 months ago....no connection there...Kellee....did you go on your date yet?
That is about all that is going on with me....what about everyone else.......
hi Tina
ALMOST got a coffee date. said man then said he took a position that is requiring him to be in TN for 2 months, then Tokyo for 1 month. wondered if I still wanted to meet.
I told him look me up if/when he returns
couple of emails being shot around, but honestly my morale is a little low right now re: men.
i need to sign up for some class or something so I can channel my attention on something else. but work is giving me a hard time with getting out early so I can attend.
I'm still waiting for either Mel/Jay or Sparky/Debby to adopt me, which would really lift some burdens off my shoulders, but they seem to be dragging their feet. *sigh*
oh & I'm trying to work out more. did 2x this week so far...aiming for 5. yesterday was a bust. tonight I think I may hike...its not too humid out.
hey--get on Dennis...figuratively, not biblically...about organizing a Chicago trip.