Hola Peeps Back From Mexico
Hi Everyone!
I'm back to work and that makes me
Had a wonderful vacation, the weather was great (hot) but great. The house we stayed in was soooo beautiful and of course the beaches, flowers etc are breath taking! We were sad when we had to leave I could of stayed there for a month or so. I came back with a really great tan we spent alot of time just relaxing in our own pool. We spent one day at a cenote which is an underground river...they are beautiful the water is really cold but you can see straight down into the water almost 100 feet..incredible.
How is everyone? I've missed you guys....I hope all is well.

missed you bunches Barb
but hate that you are back too.. only cuz I know you would of loved to stay there.. without me
alone with the cabana-boy.. frolicking in the underground river... nekkie... sipping on tropical fruit juices spiked with rum... dancing to jamaica man music
... waiting on the sunset and beach-fire.. *sigh*

We're going on Carnival Valor. It's my first cruise and it's with a group of about 50 people from my small home town. I'm nervous.... They range from daughters of a former best friend (early 20's) to the organizer in her 70's. At least I'll know people.
We board in Miami and head (I'm not sure of the order) to Nassau, St. Thomas, and Virgin Islands.
Now, on August 1 in the morning before 10:00 central standard time, I am going to have my name drawn for a free trip for two to Paris, France. Yes, this is how serious I am about it.
Actually, they radio station is only registering 10-20 people at most, so I have a good chance. I'd love to spend New Year's Eve in Paris with fireworks behind the Eiffel Tower and with a special man. However, there isn't one, so my mom will get to go...crap.
I think you're going out a week before us or Joe is. Someone was leaving around the 2nd. We're leaving on the 9th and returning on the 16th.