Good Morning....
So, what is everyone up to today and what are your goals?
I have tons of wedding stuff to organize and get done, laundry, clean bedroom and unfortunately I brought home some work to do.
Oh, and am still working on no starchy white food (as best as I can...week overall was great but had a few mishaps).....

This wedding must be huge! What are you having, like 10 bridesmaids?
It's going to be beautiful and we want pictures ASAP. Well, that is after you honeymoon and make a baby.
The weekend is going to be my mom and her companion coming down to my house to help put together a tv armoire (one of those cheapo Sauder put together things) to put a tv on. I've got it 3/4 of the way finished, but one door doesn't hang right, so "Mr. Drill" is going to come fix it and then I'll have my bigger tv to watch. I mean, I have to have something to do since I'm not involved, living with, or getting married to anyone.
Life is pretty simple in that regards. Tonight I'm grilling t-bone steaks (I rarely ever eat red meat), making steamed asparagus, salad, and watermelon for desert. Then when they leave tomorrow, sending a bushel of pears home for them to give to their card group.
I have a tree that was a "hybrid" of a Bradford pear tree. Last year only the south side of the tree bore fruit and it was ornamental. This year, the tree is overwhelmed with the fruit all over and they are tasty. The pears are as big or bigger than the Bosch ones in the stores! How this happened I don't know, but instead of the birds and flies eating them after they've fallen, I picked what I could that were big enough and sending them back home. You know, I could've set up a stand at the farmer's market and sold "organic pears" since no pesticide was ever placed on or around them. I have the chigger bites to prove that.
Have fun!

I am anticipating about 200+ at the wedding so kind of big and last weekend at my hs reunion in my drunk state I invited a whole bunch more there are 6 bridesmaids...i am working more on the website today but if you have not checked it out...feel free too..... . Also, I may try to get a webcam in there if you all want to watch on the internet live
That is awesome on your armoire...I know you have wanted that done for awhile and now you can watch your big TV right? What kind of shows you into this summer? I am into the Spelling Karaoke crap
and my favorite Big Brother show.....I am doing steak tonight too.....and we are so alike...I LOVE have a good method of steaming? I am so bad at that and want to learn...I get it whenever I can at restaurants and I LOVE WATERMELON.......
And so cool on the pears...I love those too...wish I could have some
Have fun my of these days we really need to hook up....why not come to ATL for our little soiree after the wedding?

Aspargus? Well, poach is more like it. I take a glass pan, put about 1/2 inch of water, cut off the ends where they snap, then "nuke" them for 8 minutes. Crunchy, but done, and just perfect.
I would come to AtL, but I've a huge September planned and cannot get off wor****il those state and federal holidays kick in in November. We, in Oklahoma, actually get an extra holiday this year because it's our centennial. So, we get Veteran's day off and then the next Friday we get Centennial day off work. Woo hoo!
Going to graduate on 9-06 from a Certified Public Manager program I've been doing through my agency for last two years. Then on 9-09, flying to Miami to cruise to Eastern Carribbean. It's a week long cruise, so I've take almost two weeks off for that and recuperation time. THEN, just the other day, I was registered to be one of 20 or so people for a trip to Paris, France trip. Woo hoo! I was just trying to win Snow Patrol tickets. Anyway, that drawing in in the am on August 1, so everyone cross everything so I get that! If I win, I'll be taking my mommy to Paris for New Year's. Her birthday is the week of Christmas, so that will be perfect timing!
And yes, if you get one of those videos of the wedding going on, I will DEFINITELY be watching. Uh, if we have a microphone can we "object"?