Barb and Chris..

on 6/27/07 8:20 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Didn't both of you have doctor's appointments yesterday.. how did they go.. if you don't mind sharing..
Slimmer Barb
on 6/27/07 11:51 pm - Show Me State, MO
My belly was hurting because I'm allergic to infects my colon and causes severe stomach cramps and diarrea (however you spell it). Apparently when I had an infection I failed to tell my Plastic Surgeon I was allergic to Levaquin and I didn't pay attention since he gave me a generic brand. When I told my PCP yesterday what medicine I was on he said it was a generic for Levaquin and that is the reason I was in so much pain. I informed the Pharmacy (which I should of done a long time ago) to mark on my file that I can have no form of Levaquin ever hurts me bad Thanks for checking up on us. Hugs. Barb
on 6/28/07 1:32 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Glad you are good and nothing too major.. we must always take our health in our own hands too.. and not leave it all to the doctors.. that's what I've learned now where is Skanky Ho.. perhaps a phone call is in order.. especially since she suffers depression too... and now fainting.. wonder if medication for depression can cause fainting.. or if reason for fainting can cause depression..
liz A.
on 6/28/07 2:02 am
depression meds can i think. they can also cause seizures.
Chris N.
on 6/28/07 2:10 am
You know, Kellee, that is something I need to ask the doc about. I put a call in to my surgeon's office as well just to keep them informed as to what was going on with me. I spoke to the nurse (doc is on vaca this week) and that was one thing she asked me is if I had a seizure. I told her that the person I was with didn't say that I had the signs of seizing but she said that a seizure isn't always marked by the traditional seizing activitiy. I guess I could have had one?
liz A.
on 6/28/07 2:19 am
you will have mail in a moment.
Chris N.
on 6/28/07 1:57 am
I got poked and prodded...and answered lots of questions. The Doc said it could be something as 'simple' as Vasal Vagal Syndrome. Which means...sometimes you just pass out. However he was concerned because I was still (and am still) having dizzy spells and headaches that come and go. And he said I looked really pale when I was in there yesterday. So he ordered bloodwork to check for things like anemia, thyroid trouble, dehydration, etc. He's supposed to call me today with the results. He said if the bloodwork comes back okay and I still feel crappy, then he'll order more tests to find out what's going on. So really....I don't know anything more than I did yesterday. The only good news is that I was off work yesterday, I took off today.....and my vacation starts tomorrow! So I don't have to go back to wor****il July 9th.
on 6/28/07 2:05 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
sounds like a reason to celebrate.. well.. being off work anyways.. did he check for inner ear problems.... maybe it's just earwax buildup.. making light of it.. but I think that's what really happened to my mom once.. when she was dizzy.. anywho.. glad you went.. and we will wait and see keep us posted!!
Chris N.
on 6/28/07 2:15 am
Heh know me, I'll do anything for a longer vacation even if it means taking a header into a car in a parking lot! The first thing the doc did was check out my ears. He said they looked fine. He also had me turn my hands palm up and then he pressed his finger into my palms. I don't know what that was for....never had anyone do that before. Then he felt up my legs....listened to my heart and lungs, took my bp....all the usual stuff. I'll let you know when I get the results of the labwork back.
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