on 6/27/07 2:11 am - Somewhere, Uzbekistan
I KNOW! Everyone wants to see us bodacious babes in our wild drinking stupors, however, yahoo doesnt want to cooperate today. Bad Yahoo. Sooo, I am in the process of uploading them to photobucket and will share with all! Man, the memories though. As soon as I get confirmation that the transition is complete, I'll let everyone know!Man, it feels good to be posting
on 6/27/07 2:26 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
okay.. I'll just sit back and wait... *whistlin* *strummin desk* *looking at porn* *whistlin* *doing the pee pee dance* they ready yet...
on 6/27/07 2:32 am - Somewhere, Uzbekistan
Ya know, I was going to move them to flikr just fer you...but I am LOCKED out them too, while they transfer to photobucket..but hey, its like Christmas, you have something to look forward too! yay *porn* are you sure you didnt see the pics?
Julie H.
on 6/27/07 3:32 am - Marysville, OH
(((((DAWN SWEETIE)))) I miss you! When do we get to hang out again???? Hope all is well... BUSY AS HELLO HERE... Give me a call or I will call you.. Love and Hugs! Julie
on 6/27/07 11:02 am - Smyrna, GA
you could have deleted some...oh well i will get you back
on 6/27/07 11:21 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY Miss Fancy Pants.. look great since your plastics.. boy looking at those when we first met.. sure brought back memories.. except I don't remember tonguing Jason..and I do remember the kiss with Mike (no photo, except I think maybe Teresa has one) tho..
on 6/27/07 11:23 am - Smyrna, GA
i have one of you and mike...ha ha ha....those were funny....we have all come a long way...and may getting rid of my pannus is such a huge difference for me....i love it....but have had dreams of it coming back IT WILL NOOT!
on 6/27/07 11:37 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
i look at those pics.. and the time you said I drunken dialed you and left a message.. and think thank GOD I stopped drinking... that is not pretty.. it was FUN as all get out... but not pretty..
on 6/27/07 11:48 am - Smyrna, GA
i am with you on those drunken the money goes towards clothes i do drink some but not much at all..... cannot wait to be with you sober
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