Rise and Shine..

on 6/26/07 8:30 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
I sooo much didn't wanna get up this morning.. and past couple days thought of calling in for a mental health day.. there's till tomorrow but.. I'm up.. and ready.. gotta grab some munchie I bought at the store for work.. like my turkey bacon and eggs.. and tilipia sooo.. see ya all on the BOARDS there's FUN TO BE HAD TODAY.. oh yeah.. HAPPY HUMP-DAY.. Ladies.. .. and Bob..
Tina C.
on 6/26/07 9:14 pm - Marysville, OH
good morning...... glad to see the update on Dan..... I am tryin again today
on 6/26/07 11:59 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
AND.. make a call for yourself today too
on 6/27/07 1:37 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
I walked out of the house today and forgot my purse cell phone in purse.. I just tried to call myself and couldn't even get a nurse in the back area.. left a message.. doubting if he gets it..
Slimmer Barb
on 6/26/07 10:13 pm - Show Me State, MO
Good Morning Sweetie......I found you? R u going to be posting on this board? I also read your post on the addiction board my heart hurts knowing everything you are going through. I sent a letter to Daniel today wanted him to know I was also thinking of him. Like you said in your post you have to take care of Rhonda first, look out for your best interest as Daniel has to make himself better before he could ever be good for someone else. If you ever need to talk please call me I'm a really good listener. I care about you Rhonda, you are a special Lady with a kind, loving heart and you so deserve to be happy, and to feel safe and protected. I'm right here if you need anything. Hugs My Friend Barb
on 6/26/07 10:28 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Most Vibrantest Barb sooo glad you found me.. along with the rest of us. It's not a secret that we are here.. and everyone is welcome since it's a Family and Friends support Board. I think it's just best this way.. it allows everyone the freedom to post and not worry that they are offending anyone. It's probably long overdue.. especially since coming here I found some old friends.. Dawn and Jenn Thanks for reading my post on the Addiction Board.. and I even added to it this morning my replying to Michelle.. and Lizzie (please read how I'm feeling today).. Like I've said.. a new day, new feelings. I'm not as angry or hurt.. a little, but not as much... I understand in my head how people with addictions will behave, so that helps my heart some. Thanks for caring so much.. I know Dan will be very happy to hear from you.. just like I always am. You are special too.. you are always very supportive and caring. You also have a good heart/soul. NOW... wanna play with us some today but I do need to work too.. hugs with much love, Rhonda
Slimmer Barb
on 6/26/07 10:33 pm - Show Me State, MO
I wanna play but have to go to the Doctor having some belly problems so I'm going to have it checked out...nothing to do with my tummy tuck. Just remember that you are loved by so many Hugs. Barb
on 6/26/07 10:46 pm - Norwood, OH
Hey Rhonda, everyone! I AM taking a mental health day today! After the way things went with work last week, I *needed* it. AND....I'm going to the Def Leppard concert tonight! I just hope the lawn at Riverbend isn't a mess with it raining a lot today. I might have missed the update on Daniel. Did he get to stay in longer? I saved the address to send him a card, but wasn't sure about sending it if he'd already left. (((Rhonda))) Happy Hump Day!
on 6/26/07 11:38 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
we are going on the assumption that Medicare will cover it.. since the hospital didn't throw him out.. and you know they would have.. if they thought they would not get paid have fun.. I was feeling a little mental today myself.. but thought I would hold off not sure for when.. tho hugsssshave fun tonite..
liz A.
on 6/26/07 11:36 pm
hiiiiiiiiiiii everybody! and bob. (how'd he get out of the drawer? awwwkward.... )
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