Did I make it to the right place?

on 6/26/07 3:55 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Rhonda, Christina, Debby???? I'm scared Are we here in the right spot? Hi folks that have been on this board. Hope you don't mind some new folks coming in and invading the territory a bit. Most of us are pretty fun and we're a mish mash of singles, marrieds, and taken but not married yets. For the record, I'm single, but the OH board we were on feels like family, so I can be considered at least a "family" and/or a "friend". Hope to meet up with the others as well as meeting you nice people from this board. Liz
on 6/26/07 3:57 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Welcome! Other Liz..
on 6/26/07 4:00 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Back at ya babe! And were those wedding attendant gift boxes you were stuffing? The other Liz--not the Steeler's Liz
on 6/26/07 4:36 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Damn straight they were favor boxes for my WEDDING..... Honestly, one of you ladies answer me....WTF am I still pissed about the whole typing mess on the moderator post? I'm not going to let that dude chase me off....and I'm sure as hell not gonna let some dude make me feel like an idiot with out defending myself. I know we don't want this over here but I am pissed.
on 6/26/07 4:46 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
as I've been told many times lately.. they are YOUR feelings you can own them.. of course my feelings are totally different than yours.. I don't think he meant it that way..for it to sound so har****hink (like Dan last week) he just did not phrase it correctly.. but I could be mistaken. I don't want to interpret Ron's words for him.. but when we had supper there was no real "big" issue.. that's why I placed that post out there kinda lite-heartedly. Sorry if his words offended you
on 6/26/07 4:59 am - Pittsburgh, PA
sweet tits.....you shouldn't be apologizing for what other people type. All I remember is daniel calling us desperate and fat....I said whatever and blew it off....then I have no idea what happened when I was in NCarolina.....Bad **** from what I hear....like posts being pulled and such. Why do I miss all the good stuff???? Fo'Rizzle!
on 6/26/07 10:36 am - Oklahoma City, OK
No, you shouldn't appologize for what anyone says or does. If f'ng "c" is what I was called, you didn't do it. And as you see, some of us didn't take it to heart...well, not too much. This too shall pass. Just like the poo I'm gonna go do. The other Liz
on 6/26/07 5:12 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Well, you talk about that wedding all you want. And stop letting folks **** you off about what they say. It isn't anyone's right to say stop being happy. I'm hoping all of the getting married or married or involved people from the single's board rub off a little and I find the man. Which I doubt is going to happen. Mr. Wonderful ex-BF was as close to my perfect match as possible, that is until he started caring about his mom a little too much. When we went to Universal Studios, I wondered why we were taking so long at the Bates motel and taking so many pictures of the house with me in front of it and not together. Now I understand...
on 6/26/07 5:18 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Other Liz, That's kinda creepy. *squints at screen*
on 6/26/07 10:39 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Who you tellin'. It wasn't until 3 weeks after we got back I figured it out. 7 months of dating and I had not been let in the 4,000 sq ft house even though I had been there in the drive way. He always said it was too dirty. I think his mom is sitting in a rocking chair as a mummy. I'm gettin' creeped out now...
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