Debbie D.
on 8/4/06 8:20 am - Chelan, WA
Hello everyone. Again, I thank all of you for taking the time out of your lives to read the posts about Pam, praying for her, sending e-mails and posting replies. It is truly amazing how many responses Pam, her family and even me that we have all received from SOOOO many caring and concern people around America. What a great deal of support you have all shown Pam and her family there at the hospital. They all are greatly appreciating each one of every response they have seen. And I can bet that the day when Pam goes to log on the net, she will have many e-mails. I know I have forward quite a bit to her. (((HA HA))) Pam had RNY surgery last Wednesday, August 2nd. The surgery took a hour longer and was successful. The first night after surgery was a hard night of pain for her. She was having a hard time breathing so she was hooked up to a machine in ICU. I hope you all got to see the last post from me late last night sharing the wondering thoughts in a poem that Pam's daughter e-mailed me from her cell phone. She has stuck right by her Mom's side since day one. She told me she felt the prayers when she woke up this morning. UPDATE AS OF THIS AFTERNOON: I just got word from her daughter that the tube were taken out today. Pam is breathing on her own now! She is still in ICU being closely monitored. She is able to whisper! Here is the link to view Aunt Pam's profile: Here is the link to send PAM GIECEK hospital e-mail: Thanks again everyone and lets keep Pam and her family in our prayers and thoughts. And keep those e-mails rolling in for Pam and her Family! All My Best To Everyone!!! ~Debbie~
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