Lexington,Ky ObesityHelp event
We will have experts talking about revisions, what can be done about stopped weight loss and what types of test, then surgeries if needed. I have asked surgeons to discuss the different types of surgeries and why many people have failed at losing weight, ..I hear and read people talking about feeling like a failure..Sometimes the surgery was the failure and not the person. Come hear more about this subject in Lexington on Oct 27-28..we will provide a pre-op program on Thurs. evening only free of charge. If you go directly through me you will receive a discount. I must receive the registration forms before May 1st. If you are military contact me for an additional discount.
We just started adding speakers to the list, there are many more to come..check out the events page.
Contact me if you are interested or need more information..don't forget if you sign up on line you will be charged full price, through me you will receive a discount..