? why does the VBG fail
Hi Donna, I can't speak for others but i can tell you why my VBG Lap didnt work the way i thought it would... I weight 315 pounds, six years ago when i had VBG, I lost 100 pounds in the first six months, then about another 20 pound in the next 6 months, by one year old, i found out what i could eat and couldn't eat... UNlike the RYN, you can eat tons of junk food, sweets, ect.. I could eat a whole bag of pretzels, A ton of popcorn with tons of butter, candy, even soda... see I have the small stomach with a valve with a mess band around it, when i eat food goes into my pouch, the it slowly goes thru the valve into my bigger stomach and out naturally.. well if i eat eats like chick, steak, or pasta's, or bread it fills up fast and takes a long time to go from my pouch into my bigger stomach... BUT...if i eat pretzels, popcorn candy ect.. which i can chewy up very finely, sort of desinegretes... it goes right thru the valve and doesnt stay in my pouch like it should so i dont get filled up on junk foods, and over the years that mainly what i eat..Not good i know, but old habits are hard to break.. and we can have all the sugar we can eat, it doesnt make you sick.. i can even drink soda with no problem.. So i gained about 25 pounds back i lost, i now way 223 and i have to strave my self in order to lose weight, its much harder for me now to lose weight.. So I am have a revision done, RYN Open, on Feb. 2.. i wanted the RYN with the Bypass to start with but 6 years ago, the doctors didnt like doing it, they said it was more dangerous and you had more problems.. well now the doctors are see so many of the VGB failing.. and The RYN are the main surgeries.. my doctor was acually suprised.. i weigh 225 at my visit.. we said most of the people he sees that had the VGB have gained all there weight back and more..
hope this helps you.
I thougth that with the band you have the potential to cheat your diet as with the VGB? As a matter of fact, are the Band and the VGB the same procedures basically? Can you explain the differences between the two? My other question ,with the band does your surgeon or PCP tell you that you have to that you have to get fills for the rest of your life periodically?
VBG and lap band are not the same surgery at all. VBG, and please correct me if I am wrong VBG peeps, involves stapling and putting a band around the top of your stomach. I believe there is still some rerouting of your intestines...but I could be wrong. Lap band has no stapling, rerouting or cutting of ANY of your insides. Also, lap band is adjustable, while VBG is not. We can adjust the inflation of our band to make it tighter (as we loose fat around our stomachs) or looser if we need to. That is why if say, 5 yrs down the road I started to regain, I could go in for an adjustment to tighten up my tool and lose again. Your doctor cannot tell if you will need fills the rest of your life or not. Some lucky bandsters have great restriction and never get a fill...most of us need an adjustment here and there, others more. I have had 2 fills in almost a year since I have been banded. It is very individual.