Trying to decide about the 2nd time around
I had the old stomach stapling done about 23 years ago. I had this done at KUMC in KC, KS. Can't even recall the surgeons name. I was hospitalized for one week after surgery and had the external staples removed prior to discharge. I was told that I would know when I was full and when to stop eating. They eluded to the fact that it would not be pleasant but never gave me any specific detials or guidelines to follow. I did not see the surgeon again after the discharge. I was told to do clear liquids for one week after surgery and when they discharged me I could go to a soft diet. I could not tolerate any meats, or pasta and still to this day if I eat beef, no matter how lean, chicken even without skin or pasta of any form up it comes, or it lays there til I make it come up. Needless to say I am back at the old capacity of my stomach. But I still have the same sensations of initial post op when I approach fullness. My biggest demon is carbs..sweets..junk! That coupled with stress eating is my nemesis for sure.
In the first year after I had the surgery I lost approximately 100 pounds, then I got pregnant unexpectedly. They never told me that this was a big NO-NO. I gained about 35 pounds during the pregnancy and then after delivery I lost 50 pounds by the time I had the two weeks check-up. I also nursed so maybe a contributing factor. By the time my baby was 6 months old I was 3 months pregnant again. So here I went down the gaining road again. I gained back 40 pounds. At delivery I only lost 12 pounds. So no mystery there.
I have battled back and forth over this past years with this diet and that diet and managed to get down to 259. When I had the initial procedure I went into the hospital at 472. I'm now looking at the possibility of a revision or another procedure I suppose. I see many sucess stories and would appreciate any input on revisions, which works best with the history I have and why. Also....the pitfalls of insurance and the revisions.
I know, more questions than a three year old.
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your response. To be honest I had doubts that anyone ever posted on this particular forum.
I did read your profile......scary business indeed.
I think the first thing I would be thinking is .......Can we spell MALPRACTICE????
I think it's completely unconscienable of either of these so called surgeons to poo poo this off like...oh well we tried. TRYING IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! THe first one is responsible for your after care and the second is responsible for repairs or reconstruction of your stomach.
Yes, I know malpractice sounds drastic, but is your quality of life as it was before? NO! ANd I understand they must stick together so to speak...but they both took a hipocratic oath and are bound by it.
I am horribly terribly sorry you have endured this ordeal. I don't know what to say.
I am still researching and reading........and still have not made a decision. But I do know this, with the health issues I have weight loss would help at least 50% of them......and if one surgery can help as opposed to may be worth it to me. Just can't say for sure yet.
I wish you only the best and hope things do work out for you and you do heal........some how some way....

Denise W.
on 10/26/04 3:01 am - Broadview, IL
on 10/26/04 3:01 am - Broadview, IL
Hi, my name is Denise, I also had the surgery about 23 years ago! I don't even remember which hospital, I think I must have lost about 100 lbs, but it's all back. I had the stomach stapling. I now weigh about 273 lbs. I am just starting at weigh****chers because I know my insurance requires that you have 6 months histroy of weight lost attempts before they approve the surgery. But the problem is they don't know that I've had one before. I haven't tried to get approval. I'am preparing to. I was never given any information. Just pushed out to the curb. I want to have a revision. Do you think the insurance company will give me problems? Gee, your story sounds like mine. My stomach is just like that now. let's exchange ideas.
From all the researching I have done....which is a lot but probably not as much as some: It all depends upon your particular insurane company and any possible exclusions or conditons they attach to any WLS procedure.
But it is also my understanding that if the failure was not intentional by you, your chances of a revision are much better. I wouldn't go at this like an initial WLS but a revision for that reason mainly.
I would also be very careful about the procedure you choose. I could have the RNY but have chosen not to at this time and probably won't change my mind on that one either.
I have a family history of stomach and colon cancer. Thus I have chosen the DS procedure. This along witht he fact that I CANNOT risk barfing every time I put something in my pouch... I have a seizure disorder and must keep my meds at a certain level or I lose control of the seizures. I can't be yakkin daily. Another thing is my arthritis and back and hip issues.....I cannot take NSAIDS already for numerous reasons. I have to be able to take the COX 2 inhibitors. I also cannot take aspirin or tylenol because of bleeding problems. In addition to the laundry list above I also have RLS which is from who knows what but I can't risk any more of an iron deficiency in my brain. So the DS is the only realistic answer for me.
More than likely I will end up being self pay....some day. And judging by the results I would be more than willing to make a short jaunt to Mexico to do this....especially when it means less than half the cost of here in the states. I know many people have gone to Brazil and Spain as well...for some of the same reasons.
I am pretty much at a stand still right now.....I have gotten all my mediacl records fro the previous 25 years, no small feat believe me. And my PCP is very supportive of my decision. But I am also preparing to seel my house which is a major undertaking with remodeling and such to get it ready. So I can't just drop all that and be laid up for a month. So it will have to wait til that is all done. Then...FULL SPEED AHEAD!
Just don't give your homework......and be prepared and informed before you do anything.