Hi I had a stomach stapl...
I had a stomach staple 20 yrs ago and now I am checking into a gastric bypass, I know that it has to be a RNY type because of the previous sergery but I can't find any information about the surgery, if there are more risks or complications, or if I even can have the gastric bypass. I went to a Wish Center meeting and thats when I found out that people with any kind of stomach surgary had to be a RNY but that was all I found out. What are the problems with this? I can't find any thing about this, can a gastric bypass even be done?
Please help me
Hi Vicky
Boy have you just made my day, Thank you so much for the information, I have to meet with my Doctor at the Wish Center on the 9th of March. My insurance has an exclusion so it won't pay, so my sweet husband says he wants to pull the money out of our retirement to pay for this and so thats handled, but I have been so afraid that there would be some crazy reason that since I had the other surgary, that I might not be able to do this, now I can dream again.
Thank you again
Hi Kathy,
I just wanted to give you a little info that might save you some money. Even though your insurance company has an exclusion, you may be able to have it overturned. You should contact an attorney about it. Paying an attorney to get the insurance company to pay for the surgery will cost less then paying for the surgery yourself and you will be able to keep your money in your retirement account.
Here's the websites for two attorneys that specialize in insurance appeals. They have both had the surgery so they understand what their clients are going through.
Good luck to you!
I was just reading old posts here and found your post on the Lapband. Were you in the clinical trials for it? Lapband wasn't FDA approved for general publi****il 2001. I'm leaning towards the Lapband and still researching it before making my final decision. I hope you are doing well in your weightloss now!

I've gained all the weight back and plus more. I have found a wonderful doctor to preform my "revision". That's was having WLS a second time is called. Mine will be converted to a gastric bypass. I'm fighting my insurance company because even though WLS is not excluded having it more than once in a lifetime is. Wish me luck!
Thanks for the information, I too gained all my weight back plus more, but I was really disappointed in the amount of weight I lost last time,it was only about 60 lbs so I am hoping that this time it will be more successful.
I was really disappointed in the surgary last time because I was not even told that I had to be careful what I ate, I had the surgery and sent home to handle the rest myself, there was not a site like this one or any help from the doctor etc. I wasn't even told that I had to be careful or I would gain the weight back, but I guess that was 20 years ago and things have really changed since then, now there is so much help and caring people out in computer land that I will know upfront what I can expect and I know that I will get the weight off this time.
Good luck to you fighting the insurance, they are a pain.
Hi Kathy, I also had the stomach stapling operation about 20 yrs. ago. It was a big dissappointment. I only lost about 40 lbs. and that was because of the post surgery diet. I have thought of myself as a real failure since then. I went through major surgery and still could not lose the weight. I have resently been going the Dartmouth Hitch**** Medical Center for testing etc. The doctors have cleared me for the revision surgery and my next step is to go to the insurance co. for approval. The hospital has not given me any sign that the insurance would not pay because of the previous surgery. NOW I AM WORRIED! I have done my homework and I think this will work. I hope they do not make it a fight.