
Home from the hospital- Band over RNY

on 5/5/09 11:57 am
Hello Everyone..

I'm home from the hospital now from having my revision surgery 4-30... I stayed w/ a family member for a few days and just came home today..

I'm a little sore today but I've taken no pain pills..  I didn't have a lot of pain at anytime w/ the band.  On a scale 1-10...  I think my worse pain was a 7.

I do have pain in my chest and it's hard to take a deep breath... even now... however It's getting better day by day so I'm guessing that's the gas.

I have my moments when I'm hungry but I've done well so far. I have a little restriction but not much.  (But they have not filled the band as of yet)

My stomach has (6) 1 inch and smaller incisions... No stitches.... Looks like they used some kind of glue which is really neat. 

I have not weighed yet... but I'm guessing I've lost about 5-10 lbs.  (It's a start) :-)

So that's my update...

God Bless,

on 5/5/09 2:17 pm - Brandenburg, KY
That's great, sounds like everything is coming along for you. I had my RNY 4 months ago today!  Have you went to the RNY board yet? Wondering why you are posting on failed WLS board??  And questions feel free to ask me!



on 5/7/09 12:39 pm

I had a RNY back in 1993... lost almost all of my weight.  However I have gained almost all of it back in the past 4 years...

Sooooo... I had a band put on over my previous RNY.

Good luck w/ your RNY.. Just follow the rules and always seperate your foods into the portions you are suppose to have... Get rid of the rest.... AND NO CARBONATED DRINKS... that included beer.. I do believe that is how I put a lot of mine back on and stretched my stomach/stoma.

Regina T.
on 8/22/09 1:19 am
Hi Jeannie

I see that you had your band over bypass in May and I wanted to see how you're doing and If you're still losing weight.  My doc just suggested this procedure for me adn I wanted to get more information before moving forward.  Did your insurance cover your surgery and who did your surgery and where was it done?  Thanks

on 8/23/09 12:57 pm

I did have band over RNY April 30th.

I have lost 30 lbs total.  The weight comes off really slow compared to the original bypass.

I had Aetna...  They were really good about approving me.  Let me know if you have any problems w/ whoever you have.  Make sure you print off a copy of the actual wording of your policy and what it states about revision surgery.

My surgery was done in Richmond Virgina w/ Dr. Bregman.

As for how the band feels compared to my original RNY

Original RNY-  I ate.. felt full fast... If I overate then I would throw up.

Now w/ Band....  I hurt from the first bite I take.  I feel actual pain (Just to the point of really uncomfortable)  I throw up on occasions but nothing like it was w/ my original RNY.

Hope this helps and good luck! 

Regina T.
on 8/23/09 2:09 pm

Thanks Jeanie for the info.  I will find out tomorrow whether or not my insurance will pay.  I know I have revision coverage but I'm not sure about the BMI requirement.  my bmi is 33.  Also I have United Healthcare. One more question:  How long did it take for you to have surgery?  Did you have to go on a pre-op diet. & do you lose as much weight as you wanted. Thanks

on 8/27/09 1:04 pm
With my insurance.. all I had to do was
-prove the original surgery was medicaly necessary (It was my BMI was over 40)
-Prove that I lost at least 50% of by excess body weight from previous surgery
-prove pouch dialation-  Anyone that's gained weight back after bypass has this

There was not existing BMI qualifications or other medical reasons needed.

So get of copy of your policy regarding obesity/revision surgery.  Sometimes these Dr's, nurses and office staff are not as good as you think about knowing this stuff.

I needed to lose 80 lbs total this time..... I've lost 30.... So I'm not quite there yet.

Good luck
