weight gain after DS?????????
I would like to suggest you post this question on the DS forum, also. I have not seen any DS studies concerning obese DS patients and long-term weight loss. The overall trend for those of us who were MO or SMO seems to be a max of 10-20 bounce back. A friend of mine who had the DS 8-9 years ago maintains about 10 pounds above her lowest weight.
Good luck in your research,
HI Jennifer,
I dont know what your question about CC is. I can tell you that eventually you can eat a normal meal and all of the foods you did before the surgery although you may have probles with greasy foods and starches. I dont eat much pasta, rice, or potatoes (personal preference). I also only had a little over 100 lbs to loose when I had the DS so having regained 40lbs is very disterbing to me. I didnt think this kind of weight gain after a DS was possible although I knew you would regain a few lbs. I would love have others that are 7+ years post surgery chime in here. Tuce!
Have you contacted Dr. Anthone? I'm sorry your DS isn't working for you as it does work for most people. I certainly know the depression and fear that comes with regain, as I had the RNY in 94 and by 2006 had regained 140 lbs from my lowest weight.
I hope you get some answers. Come over to the DS forum and post and perhaps someone there can help you.
I am thinking reading now that the remaining small intestine thickens over time and the hairs that absorb nutrients grow longer in order to absorb more. Boy, the body is good at getting what it wants! Pretty depressing, though, to go through all that to end up gaining 40 pounds back. I'm still going to do it and try to take advantage of the first few months. I got pretty lazy with my sleeve, as I didn't realize one COULD regain! It was the miracle cure! Now I know better :(