Denise U.’s Posts

I don't come on the boards too often anymore, but today I finally got the courage to come online and see if anyone knew about Mickie. I am very sorry I didn't post information while she was in the hospital to let you all know what was going on. This time has been extremely difficult on me and I just didn't have the strength to do that at the time...again I am so sorry.
The story goes as follows: She went in for her tummy tuck to a clinic in Belgium. The surgery was a success and she was awake after and talking to her husband and daughter. As the day went on she started to show signs of internal bleeding. The doctors and nurses waited too long to call the ambulance to take her to the hospital. By the time the ambulance had arrived she had gone into cardiac arrest. With the blood loss they had a very difficult time reviving her and the time it took to do that caused severe liver damage, brain damage and other major organ damage. She also basically became brain dead from that point on. She was on a respirator and dialysis from that point on as well. Yes it is true that they medically induced the coma after they revived her to let her heal. She stayed in the medically induced coma for about 2 weeks. The tests they did were extensive on her brain and other organs, but the results did not look good from the beginning. They basically gave her a 5% chance of coming out of a coma, but that she would probably still have severe brain damage.
They then slowly decreased the meds that kept her in a coma with the hope she would come out of it on her own and start to get better...this did not happen...Mickie never woke up again.
About 2 weeks ago...about a week before she passed, her bowels ruptured and her husband was given the option to operate which would take 3 more operations to fix the damage and because of the state of her brain, liver and other organs the chance that she would make it through these operations was not good. He and their daugther decided to not go through with the operations and to let her pass on. This was an extemely difficult time for them and her chances were even less by this point. There was not much left to do... They stopped the dialysis and the meds that she was on other than pain meds to make sure she was in no pain. From that point on it was just waiting. As you all know she passed last Monday in the morning.
I had a chance to go into the ICU in Begium to say my good-byes to her and that was the worst day of my life so far... I miss her more than words can express. She has been sent back to Canada to be with family and friends there. There was a Wake done on the NATO base and the turn out was extensive.
She had moved many peoples lives with her contagious laughter, loving smile and generous ways. She was a friend to all who met her!! She was my angel through my surgery and still holds that very special part in my heart and always will. We became close friends here in Germany partly because of our children, but then because of the DS. She helped me make a change to my life that I will always cherish...if it wasn't for her I may still be 251lbs today.
I could go on about Mickie and all that she meant to the people she touched, but what I really want is to Thank You All who loved her, liked her or didn't even know her, but expressed your pain, loving thoughts and sorrow during her ordeal and in the end her passing. I know each one of you she touched will miss her.
Thank You.
In loving memory of Mickie Rowsell RIP.
ps...on another note, this post eys-death/
I don't know what meds Mickie was on at the time of her surgery, but I can tell you that this was all DOCTOR error and the clinic she was in. They waited way too long after she started the internal bleeding to get her the medical care they could not give her and call the hospital. Her family and lawyers are taking whatever measures they can, but of course this will not bring Mickie back to us. Please don't jump to any conclusions other than what I have stated here in this msg. as to the causes of her death. Thank you.
Thank you also to Ingrid (I hope I have the right person) who first informed you all of Mickie and her condition. Thank You.
(edited to Thank Ingrid)

Your very welcome. I am glad you liked it. I have had a great journey in losing the weight...I can't wait till I hit goal.