on 1/29/05 8:11 pm - Gouldsboro, PA
Hello everybody. I need some input here. I discovered some hard ,small lumps just under my skin, and deeper on my upper thigh and hip. Upon checking it out, I found more deeper under the skin. My question is, could this be related to the weightloss? Two of the lumps are the size of a pea and hard, and one is a little bit sore. The rest are deeper but feel small also. I did check my other side to see if there were some there, but there wasnt. Now I do sleep on my left side, where they are also. Of course I'm calling the Doc on Monday to check it out, but I was wondering if anybody else had felt something similar, and should I be worried worried or just a little concerned? Thanks, You guys are the best!,.........Louise 10/26/04. 278/212
Cynthia Garza
on 1/30/05 1:49 am - Palmdale, CA
Hi Louise, The more weight I lost the more small lumps I found on my legs. They turned out to be nothing. Take Care Cindy Ca.
on 1/30/05 1:55 am - Gouldsboro, PA
Thanks Cindy, that is good to hear!!! Now I wont worry!!!!!,........Louise
Mary Frances G. S.
on 1/30/05 3:22 am - New York, NY
Hi louise! I am sure your probably fine but It Is wise to check with the doc. I hate to say the dreaded word for all females(LOL) but could It be just loose cellulite after losing alot of weight? I mean while we are heavy It's probably hard but as a person loses weight the skin gets softer and saggier thus making these bumps of cellulite more noticeable. I am not a doc and couldn't say what It Is but this Is just a thought! Please go get checked regardless and i will talk to you later!!! Hope It all turns out right!!! Mary
on 1/30/05 4:27 am - Gouldsboro, PA
Your right, it prob is just lumps of old fat, but I definatly will have it checked out to be sure! Thanks Mary,.......Louise
on 1/31/05 1:27 am - Annandale, VA
I noticed a lot of them on my thighs, and they seem to be joined with a loose sort of tissue -- I thought they were shrunken fat cells -- cellulite sounds like a good bet, too.
on 1/31/05 6:33 am - Gouldsboro, PA
Hi Sheryl! Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with lumps! LOL I am going to have them checked anyway, just to be sure, since cancer is so prevalant in my family( I think weve had every type there is, some twice) But thanks for the input, it did put my mind to rest at least a little bit, Thanks again,......Louise
on 2/1/05 3:07 am - Annandale, VA
Oh, definitely. I'll be having my doc look at mine on 2/28. My husband, who is thin, has always had a tendency to have a few lumps of fat under his skin. His doctor told him it was his body's "pathetic attempt to store fat."
on 1/31/05 1:55 am - South Orange County, CA
I'm pleased to see you that you will be having these lumps checked out by your doctor. I think that important. The fact that at least one lump is a little tender might suggest some swollen lymph node involvement which may or may not be denotive of some ongoing infection process. Lipomas, fatty benign tumors usually well formed and encapsulated are also quite common for those of us who are, or have been obese. These may become more noticeable as we lose weight. Unfortunately, these are not reabsorbed with weight loss but can usually be easily removed if they are bothersome. These are just a few possibilities that come to mind. It's been my experience both often palpate as slightly larger masses than you describe, so please do follow through and get them properly evaluated. If your comfortable sharing, let us know what they find. Regards, Rock
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/05 6:04 am - San Jose, CA
I just discovered I had a lipoma, about the size, shape and consistency of a hard boiled hen's egg, under the skin at my waistline on my right flank -- how did that get there and get so big without my noticing it?? I've already had it checked out, and know it's "OK" and that if I want to, I can have it removed -- I think I'll wait to see how badly I want a lower body lift in the future, which would be the opportune time to have it removed. And yes, it's probably been there for a while, and only became noticeable because I have lost the weight and gotten a waistline back! On the other hand, I feel little tiny knots like large grains of sand by the dozens in my fleshy underarm area, as well as the insides of my thighs -- I think those are patches of connective tissue that used to support lumps of bloated fat cells that have drastically decreased in size. But to repeat what you said -- ALL lumps, bumps and masses should be checked out by a doctor, just in case.