Embarrassing I have very very lose stool
Also you could try giving up dairy foods to see if it helps. I became lactose intolerant for a while after my surgery.
I don't drink milk or didn't do much if any dairy products at all except when I just tried the yogurt and after a while added cheese.
Starting weight 333 lb Gold weight 180 lb
I have been taking a scoop of good organic fiber every morning for years. I also take a very powerful probiotic every morning. I avoid ALL "sugar free" foods. Sometimes I do have this problem, but I can generally tie it to something I've eaten the day before (usually very high carbs - sugar or something very high fat).
You say you eat "things with fiber" - exactly what are you eating? We don't have a normal digestive system and things that work for non-DSers don't necessarily work for us. Let's say you're eating apples - that would absolutely kill me.
At 14 years post-op I assume you've learned how food reacts in your body. I'm 18 years post-op and if I suddenly started having unexplained severe diarrhea, I'd want to find the cause and not just treat the symptom (Imodium). If you really feel it's food, do a complete food diary (there may be some hidden "itols"). If you think it's not food (medical), find a gastroenterologist. Have you had a colonoscopy lately? Have you been tested for C-diff?
Good luck and I hope you find a doctor who's willing to support you moving forward.
Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny
I feel for you, seriously! ? I would absolutely recommend you see a gastroenterologist as soon as you can. It may not be from the DS but another issue all together. Either call your hospital for Physician Referral or go online and see who can go to per your insurance company. Don't ignore these signs your body is giving you. Be proactive. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing....?
on 8/8/21 3:20 pm, edited 8/8/21 8:23 am
I also thank you for sharing this information/problem . Honestly I?m a long term RNY recipient so I can only say very limited things.
probiotics ( siggis o fat drinkable yogurt ) have done amazing things for my digestion ( also weight loss and youthful tight looking skin )
(((())) million hugs and wishing you the Very
Hi all sorry I haven't gotten back but been having issues with my blood levels some being high some being low especially my hemoglobin levels being low and it's not Because of any of my vitamins levels they are all fine. I been having all kinds of test being done from a bone marrow test and a bone sample test to all kinds of different blood test and so far everything comes back fine but the blood specialist says something is not right but she can't figure it out. So I am going to go to the university of Penn Hospital after a lot of people told me that's where I needed to go to see if they can figure this out if they can't I give up. I asked the blood specialist doctor if my bed time issues can be related to this problem and she said no not at all. So I made a appointment but couldn't get one until November to see the doctor that I looked up and has a very high rating from Patient that have been treated by him. I am also hoping that maybe he can steer me to someone that does the DS surgery that can maybe help me with my issue. Everything I read makes me believe that I am having dumping Syndrome and that the food is going to fast through my intestines and causes my problem. Well I guess I have to wait until November and I pray they can help me with all my issues because a friend of mine told me a doctor told him that for a problem like this Jersey doctors aren't as good as the Penn doctors and after being treated by all different doctors here where I live in NJ I can say they got me frustrated and seem like they are just guessing so maybe that doctor that told my friend was right?. Anyway back to my original topic. The yogurt and me taking a daily fiber formula seems to help a little but again if I eat the extra sharp cheese like almost half of the small block that you can buy for cutting when having a party if seems to work a lot better. But eating that before I go to bed a get like a film in my mouth and it then gives me mucus. I have always have has very lose stool after my surgery but my main problem is at night I get gassy and that's when I have the bed time issues and like I said if I eat a lot of cheese it seems to help it a lot so I'm hoping there is something I can take other then eating a half of a block of extra sharp cheese. All in all I am one big mess?. If I don't answer back right away is because I am trying to deal with all of this at one time and I am very frustrated trying to deal with all of this. Thanks for all the response and help?
Starting weight 333 lb Gold weight 180 lb
On my own, I figured out a lot of my loose stool and flatulence issues after surgery were caused by my bariatric vitamins. They were sweetened with sugar alcohol and my body cannot tolerate that.
I switched to a vitamin without sugar alcohol and most of the issues disappeared. I also gave up all products with sugar alcohols. They were delicious but I really suffered after eating them.
A few years after surgery, I developed hyperparathyroidism. My levels were in the 300's. I spent about two years with different doctors and specialists. None of them could figure out what caused it. My calcium levels were high and they took me off of calcium supplements. Nothing helped and none of them could give me a cause. No tumors, nothing showed up on scans. I finally just accepted it and stopped worrying about it.
If I eat fresh fruit, I sometimes take an Imodium with it. I also have had constipation issues bad enough to go to the emergency room where they x-rayed and prescribed magnesium citrate. I have almost never had a time since RNY surgery when I was not treating constipation or diarrhea issues.
I am constantly aware of what I eat and what can happen. This is the price I paid for my quick and easy weight loss.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
On my own, I figured out a lot of my loose stool and flatulence issues after surgery were caused by my bariatric vitamins. They were sweetened with sugar alcohol and my body cannot tolerate that.
I switched to a vitamin without sugar alcohol and most of the issues disappeared. I also gave up all products with sugar alcohols. They were delicious but I really suffered after eating them.
A few years after surgery, I developed hyperparathyroidism. My levels were in the 300's. I spent about two years with different doctors and specialists. None of them could figure out what caused it. My calcium levels were high and they took me off of calcium supplements. Nothing helped and none of them could give me a cause. No tumors, nothing showed up on scans. I finally just accepted it and stopped worrying about it.
If I eat fresh fruit, I sometimes take an Imodium with it. I also have had constipation issues bad enough to go to the emergency room where they x-rayed and prescribed magnesium citrate. I have almost never had a time since RNY surgery when I was not treating constipation or diarrhea issues.
I am constantly aware of what I eat and what can happen. This is the price I paid for my quick and easy weight loss.
I stopped with the chewable vitamins in 2019 after I found out I have prostate cancer Because they told me any sugar the cancer feeds off of.
Starting weight 333 lb Gold weight 180 lb
Eugene for low iron... TRY Foltrin( a rx) that contains intrinsi factor.... OR Liver extract capsules( is a liver in a capsule. It sounds like you do not have the intrinsic factor that allows body to use /absorb iron from foods. I have this issue.. Carlson labs puts out a calf and also an organic buffalo liver capsule.. they say dose is 6 A DAY. I ROUTINELY USE 2... it is not the iron you need but the factor liver contains. LIVER is the only food source for this intrinsic factor, I once got it for 6 weeks straight by eating liver patties 2 a day 6 days a week..
Eugene for low iron... TRY Foltrin( a rx) that contains intrinsi factor.... OR Liver extract capsules( is a liver in a capsule. It sounds like you do not have the intrinsic factor that allows body to use /absorb iron from foods. I have this issue.. Carlson labs puts out a calf and also an organic buffalo liver capsule.. they say dose is 6 A DAY. I ROUTINELY USE 2... it is not the iron you need but the factor liver contains. LIVER is the only food source for this intrinsic factor, I once got it for 6 weeks straight by eating liver patties 2 a day 6 days a week..
All my vitamins levels are good even iron. That's why they are having problems finding what is wrong with my hemoglobin levels being low and other blood levels being high or low. But I haven't found anyone that knows about the problem I am having at night with the gas and very loose stools while I sleep. Powder Fiber formula mix with water and eating some yogurt is helping a little and cheese is making my stools a little Firmer but still not solid if I eat it before I go to bed but I can't keep eating that much cheese.
Starting weight 333 lb Gold weight 180 lb