Trying to recover from a bad yearly blood test check up
The main worries, in waiting for a blood test last week so all my information is from a blood test I took in April. I'm worried about all my blood counts being low and my white blood count being so low it says alert next to the number, my copper was 8 out should be 80, lots of things came back low but they're getting better slowly but it's like how long does it take to recover from serious low numbers. Also in so tired, my hands are losing they're grip on only 37 like I know I'm getting better and I'm waiting for my next blood test results to come in and so I'll know more very soon. But I just want to know the forgetting things, problems that are effecting me but no one else. Had anyone else recovered? I'm losing muscle mass from my Skelton and I'm in the danger zone. Obviously covid isn't helping but I feel to far gone to get back in shape. Also I've been sober a year and a half ago I just want to get healthy and feel better I really need advise on how much food I should be eating and how many meals and... I want to know other people have got bad and then got better. Is there any special trick im missing about life because my blood counts have yet to recover enough they're still really low in worried about my white blood count and my doctor has never explained it to me why... Anyways thank you.
Hi There
So sorry you are having to deal with this. May I ask some specific questions about your CBC?
What are your platelets white blood count and absolute neutrophils count that will show up on your labs as ANC.
Are you seeing a hematologist or a GP?
Your diet or DS surgery will not effect your white blood cells nor your platelets.

Hopefully you'll get some answers from your labs. Are you getting a full complement of DS labs drawn? What kind of vitamin regime are you on? How much protein do you eat on a daily basis? Some of your description sounds like iron deficiency anemia (tired, issue with your hands). Assume your ferritin numbers are low as well.
It's all a process - like everything else with the DS. Find out what you are deficient in and start adjusting your vitamins.
How much food doesn't matter - it's about what you're eating. How many meals you should eat doesn't matter - it's what you're eating that matters. You should get a minimum of 100 grams of protein per day.
You should be able to talk to your doctor about everything. They should answer any question you have and you should be asking a ton of questions.
Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny
I got my test results back from a full ds blood tests. 14 are either high or low. Mostly things improved. My copper went up, as did most of my low stuff however my red blood count tests went down, my white blood count went up. Hmm. To me it seems a low copper might have cause all the other problems. I'm feeling a lot better then last week. I'm happy to see most things getting better but I have not talk to my doctor yet. I eat lots of protein almost to much food but because normally I don't eat anything bad like I snack on roast beef. I dunno I'm not complicated and I just want to get better. I need to work out but I feel to tired too. So I don't know how to start. I'm taking everything my ds doctor told me too. So I'm covered on the stuff doctors tell you to do. I have great doctors. Ive never gained muscle in my life. I've worked out but I never managed to get in shape... Guess I'll look on you tube for work out stuff and maybe start writing down what I eat so I can add up my calories, drink more water, and I need to talk to my doctor about my latest results.