Blank Slate Here, is there rapid weight loss with the DS procedure?

on 10/12/20 2:50 pm

Again, sorry to y'all. Not a clue what this procedure is, reading the books is fine, but if anyone can share real person experiences, I appreciate the help. My girlfriend thinks she wants DS but I'm trying to educate my own self about weight loss surgery. I have a friend who had it and lost his desire for food and sex at the same time. Is that normal? Thanks...

on 10/13/20 11:51 am

Food and sex? Nope not normal. Well, except while you are recovering from the surgery itself. You said HIS so I am assuming male? Maybe he needs to have his testosterone checked? Most people seem to rediscover their sex life after surgery. Many recommend using 2 forms of birth control to avoid having kids too soon post-op.

Most do have some rapid weight loss. That's what we wanted! The DS offers the best track record of any WLS in taking off the weight and keeping it off. There is nothing better. You still have to work at it. It's not effortless. That rapid weightloss window does eventually close. To be successful long term, I have to do low carb forever.

on 10/14/20 7:31 am

PattyL, yes, the friend who had wls is male. I can't completely go from his experience, since my girlfriend is the one looking into surgery. I only know what he told me after he was two months post-surgery. Maybe his ended up being something else. Do reactions to surgery and results differ between men and women?

Thank you for being so honest, and thanks for the heads up on the birth control!

on 10/15/20 1:50 pm

2 months... OK I totally can see that. Your friend is still too 'new' at all this and he is still recovering!

on 10/19/20 11:08 am

PattyL, so is there a timeframe at which point this type of reaction stops? 4 months? 6 months? Maybe it wasn't even the surgery?

White Dove
on 10/14/20 10:58 pm - Warren, OH

DS has faster weight loss and also more side effects. It involves no longer being able to absorb fat or most vitamins. If vitamins are not properly supplemented, it can result in severe illness or death. You no longer have a choice to ignore vitamin supplements. You need a lot of them and need them daily.

There is also the most bathroom changes with DS. Gas and watery diarrhea can become a chronic and severe condition. Some people are no longer able to work and avoid leaving their homes.

With any weight loss surgery there is the possibility that a person will have no adverse reactions or have many.

What I would advise you and your girl friend to do is to talk to people who have actually had the procedure. Hopefully you can find people who will tell you both their positive and negative experiences.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/19/20 11:11 am

Hi there...good information here. I think we're going to attend a few support group meetings to get the story from those who have had the surgery. Virtually of course, with this dang pandemic. Thanks for your insight and help.

* Nicole *
on 10/16/20 6:11 am

I was a young spry 22 years old when I had my DS. 15 years later I regret NOTHING. Yes there is a rapid weightloss period. The DS provides the ability to have the most "normal" way of life. My inlaws had no clue I had surgery till I told them about 2 years ago. And only reason I spoke up was because the hubbys cousin was having surgery and sadly they only knew misinormation about WLS in general.

While bathroom habits change at first, years out usually its 1-2 times a day. The number of being unable to work or afraid to go out is so small. And usually this can be corrected by diet (the usual culprit for bathroom trouble) or surgically if a common channel is too short.

And supplementation is not an option. Everyone is different in their needs and a close eye on labs is a must.

But each persons experience is different.

As for your friend, he is way early out. Fat stores estrogen so when losing early in the game for men they tend to lose drive as estrogen dump is real and basically "dillutes" testosterone levels. It will blance backout.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

on 10/19/20 11:18 am

Nicole this is so helpful, thank you! If my friend and I talk about that sensitive subject again soon, I'll let him know there's hope for balance! He has likely already talked to his doc. Based on your surgery date, you have a good bit of experience with DS, so I hope you post often with such great information. Appreciated!

Janet P.
on 10/22/20 4:44 am

The DS is a very dramatic procedure that requires lifelong dedication to eating properly (for the surgery), taking your vitamins, getting labs done regularly (one a year) and making the appropriate adjustments.

The first 6 months of any WLS will have a major impact on a person - you've had MAJOR surgery and it takes time for the body to heal. Plus you're basically re-learning to eat again. The DS has two parts - one is a VSG - vertical sleeve gastrectomy - meaning they literally remove the majority of your stomach and it's called a sleeve because that's what it looks like - a banana - maybe 6-8 ounce capacity. The second part is the switch - they literally reduce the size of your intestines, which is where you absorb your nutrients, which is why following guidelines is crucial. The sleeve will ultimately stretch but it's the switch that keeps us within our goals (or close too it). We absorb approximately 50% of the fat (and nutrients) that we eat with the EXCEPTION OF SUGAR - that we absorb 100%. That's why carbs can be an issue.

It's important to learn about what you put in your body - read labels. Know exactly what's going in and how it affects your new system. It's a learning process.

With all that said, the DS is the best WLS for long term maintenance. I'm almost 18 years post-op and I am exactly at my goal weight. I've had a few ups and downs, but I'm always able to make adjustments simply by looking at what I'm eating (it's usually too many carbs - so it's back to basics for a while).

I think it's great that you're educating yourself. As far as food and sex, your friend had MAJOR surgery just 2 months ago. Takes time for the body to heal. Desire will definitely come back ;) As for food I probably love food more now than before. For me pre-op it was all about quantities - how much food could I eat. Now it's about quality - I love food - I love cooking, and shopping, and eating.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny
