What brand of vitamins do you use?
I have been using Thrive nutrition, but it is pretty expensive. I am looking for what brand of vitamins most are using. My bloodwork has been good so I want to make sure I continue to get the right vitamins so it stays that way. Thanks!
I have been post-op for 25 years and have changed my vitamins from time to time. Thank you everyone for your input!
Good dry vitamins are expensive, but much cheaper than the complications you would get it you didn't take them daily. Anything that is in a soft gel or that has oil in the ingredients is not going to work. Thrive has a D3 that is not dry, in a soft gel, and has a relatively low dose of 5000 IU. Our doses are higher. Here are my suppliers. Dry A from Biotech, B stress complex from NAturemade, C from Naturemade, Copper from soloray, Dry D from Biotech, dry E from Solgar, Iron from FEosol, dry K from Relentless Improvement, Zinc from Solgar, and multivitamin from Centrum. They are all on Amazon, but I have bought some of them from vitamin companies that have BOGO now and then.